Sean Corbett


Sean has lived a diverse and full life, interspersed with struggle, adventure, and growth. Drawing upon the wisdom of his own journey, plus over 30 years of professional experience in counselling and coaching, he offers his clients an integrated, positive, and life-affirming experience—one that has the power to change the course of their lives forever.

Sean has committed fully to his mission to help others. He set up an addictions treatment centre in Zimbabwe and helped develop several successful treatment centres in the UK. He ran his own counselling consultancy for 12 years and pioneered a health and wellbeing team within primary care for the NHS.

Sean now continues to honour this commitment through his cohesive practice for individuals looking to recover and grow. He helps people discover their heartfelt passions, working with them to heal the binds that stop them from becoming the best they can be.

It’s a joy for Sean to see people build the strength and self-belief they need to step into a multi-coloured version of their life and future.


Ryan Parke


Karen Farrell