“I Am a Miracle”
Nature is a Miracle
You are a Miracle
Fun fact that i recently learnt, was that the ovum decides which sperm cell to receive due to the chemical connection- once this chemical connection has taken place, the ovum only allows that specific sperm cell to enter her, and blocks all others!
It is not random nor is it about who's the "strongest and quickest", this patriarchal outdated illusion of masculine energy, of survival of the fittest, the race to get there first, which has and still is being programmed into us as competition, fear, separation and scarcity- rather than our truth of connection, collaboration and abundance.
It’s actually about energetic connection - finding Your Unique Chemistry, and when you accept, love, embrace and embody your uniqueness you will attract what is most aligned and right for you in Devine Timing.
So when you feel you don't belong, have no place in this world, wonder why you are here, when you think the world would be better without you, when you doubt yourself and your abilities and gifts, when you feel you are not enough, when you reject your body and yourself, when you feel everyone else is doing better than you!
You and your existence in this very moment is a MIRACLE, you have been specifically chosen in your complete uniqueness, in absolute Devine timing.
You are meant to be here- it is not random, there is a true purpose for you to Grace this World with your Presence
Out of the 3-500,000 ovums within your mother's ovaries, one was released at the right moment, to be presented with millions of sperm cells, at the right moment, that had a unique chemical connection that matched with its own unique chemical makeup.
The union of polarity meets as one and fuses life.
What are the chances of this?
You Are a Miracle
Your Presence in this World is a Gift
Everything You need to know is Already within You
Therefore I invite you to trust Your INNATE WISDOM- your intelligence that is within YOU - within the water, within your cells, within your blood and bones, within your microbiome that is inherited only from our Mother.
Find what aligns to you, your uniqueness, your USP, Unique Soul Purpose, your frequency.
And if life feels like it's resisting you and feels too hard... BREATHE - SURRENDER SURRENDER SURRENDER - soften inwards, let go of the expectations of self and soften again and again until you feel no resistance.
As you soften you transition from the old out-dated forceful masculine energy, to your feminine energy, the vibration of being, where you are present in mind and body - within this pause you actually align your energy to receive, rather than pushing away, for we have been conditioned that we must push-push-push and work hard until we drop to receive what we desire.
The feminine energy attracts what we "want-desire" - like a bee to the flower - which again is through sound and frequency!
Take moments to breathe and self reflect with the questions below:
What we desire/ want - does it actually align to us truthfully, is it in alignment to our needs, uniqueness our joy..?
If not- what does align? Why do we feel we “need” what we “want” - is it fear or is it love?
Ask yourself - Am I on the path that is in alignment to my joy, my love, my purpose?
If your desires do align- how can I surrender and trust to allow what is meant for me will find me in Devine timing?
How can I flow through with more trust, ease and grace?
"I flow through life with ease and grace and abundance comes to me naturally"
Love You.
I recently recorded a channelled guided meditation and visualisation journey, that connected into the power of water, flow and abundance - for me it actually helped me heal a UTI and bladder inflammation, which stemmed from an inner frustration and resistance of trying to get things done, a deep sense of being stuck, held back, blocked.
Interestingly the planet Saturn the “King of Boundaries” was holding a strong influence at this time, and still is as I write this article - it was showing me old patterns linked to push, high cortisol levels even when i am fatigued, I would “push through” - nah - no more - old subconscious un-serving pattern presented to me consciously so I can heal, and my bladder was the physical indicator for that!
During and after the meditation, I felt my whole body relax and soften, to trust, to realise the beauty and miracle that is within me - it made my cry as it usually does, when you honour the unconditional love that is within - it releases the fears of not being enough, the ingrained patterns within the subconscious mind and unconscious body of self-sabotage, lack of self worth.
To truly feel and embody your truth that you are a Miracle - activates a wave of bliss, surrendering and softening.
Releasing the feeling of Frustration and Finding Your Flow -Guided Meditation (Sound Library)
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
A self-care tool kit for you to connect with you, to become conscious of old patterns and belief systems that no longer serve you joy or purpose - to release these blocks within the subconscious mind and unconscious body, and to generate neural plasticity, neural pathways of what you truly desire and become the attractor of that!
Following a comment on social media that it was questioning that I was diluting the role of the masculine-male, please see my response below - as I love men, I have two boys, I love masculinity, it’s about the pure masculine in love, not the shadow of fear.
What I am saying here is that we are all miracles as we are nature - nature has an intelligence that goes beyond what we can conceive.
The masculine energy isn't about being male or female, nor is it downplaying the importance of the masculine - it is the outdated patriarchal system that is heavily in the shadow of the masculine, that has taken us away from the natural cycles of life, the seasons - that has us stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out.
Much of this stems from the Industrial Revolution - which took people off the land and into forced "productivity". I'm talking about the illusion that we have been fed is about our reason of our presence is about our output - how much we do!
It is a dance and balance between the masculine and feminine, be you male or female, that is vital to your health and happiness.
The role of the pure masculine, is strength, creativity, protection and destruction - when in love rather than fear - the masculine holds the healthy boundary to allow the feminine to fill, to be present. The feminine gives form to the masculine boundary to create existence-presence - without one neither would exist.
These are the paradox of life!
Which as I mention, we all have a purpose, a strength, a gift a talent, be that in our physical, emotional and intelligence form, whether male or female.
It is interesting that you see this as a dilution of masculinity - possibly men. Often when we are triggered it is highlighting an old belief-pattern that we hold in our subconscious-unconscious - which is great, because when you see it - you can heal it !
Our Kidneys hold our true essence, potential and karma