Imagine a day in the Office when it was “Bring Your Inner Child to Work Day”
Imagine every so often, your workplace arranged a "Bring Your Inner Child to Work" Day..
And the stipulation was that you were to express yourself exactly as your inner child would have done... or would have wanted to if allowed to, or didn't fear their expression and voice!
The social filter was disbanded for the day - yet with still the morale compass, so no poking anyone's eyes!
And everyone is in on it - all with an amused observation, both of self and others!
You could blow raspberries or stamp your feet if you didn't like it, roll on the floor and demand never to move - you could refuse lettuce and stuff your face with chocolate.
You could just shout out what you are thinking (or if unkind, see it for what it is, without projecting onto anyone)- play and be creative for the day, not fearing that you had the wrong answer or feared failure or judgement, to act more from a state of curiosity and courage.
The office could arrange musical chairs, bubbles, art workshops, karaoke, sand castle building, bouncy castles and plenty of cake!
You may just be in fits of laughter of this freedom of expression, as we observe ourselves and others, most likely seeing yourself in others too.
Take a moment and picture precisely that, what comes up for you?
I appreciate I may sound like I have lost my marbles (absolutely loved that game!), however our inner child is always with us, either wanting to play, to be joyful, full of fun and exploring, or our negative patterns may be triggered by our adult experiences, our level of perceived self worth, social interaction, are relationships with “authoritative” figures, which if not conscious of, plays out for us mentally, emotionally and physically everyday!
Our social conditioning has trained us to suppress ourselves, to fit within a mould to be socially accepted, to soothe our primitive mind to feel that we belong and to feel safe overall. This begins from our foundation years by our parent’s patterning and behaviours and the schooling system all the way to 18yrs - which then continues into the workplace - kinda like a sausage factory breaking us down to fit!.
Which interestingly neural diversity is challenging precisely this… - another day for that thought!
“True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are ; it requires you to be who you are.”
It was a truly ground shaking moment of deeper realisation to my journey of self love and acceptance when I read this quote.
If we as a child have at some point not felt safe, supported or loved and were not able to express so, or greater still, your expression of needs were not heard or valued, our subconscious mind, nervous system and unconscious body hold these emotions within us, until we become conscious of them, to listen and observe our inherited behaviours and thought processes and to make the conscious choice to heal our inner child wounds.
This suppression is held on a cellular level, which overtime blocks the flow of life-energy, becoming stagnant and eventually killing the cell of oxygen. As a side note and food for thought - Cancer is an anaerobic -aerobic glycolysis disease, it can only grow when oxygen is absent!
For us to break-free from these un-serving patterns that affects our joy, our relationships, our work, our finances, we need to go within, to heal the layers of our inner child patterning, giving them a voice for their needs and desires to be heard. To seek a deeper level of love, trust and acceptance of self - an inner belonging, a grounding within, where this acceptance is not swayed by criticism nor praise.
Everyday when we are suppressing ourselves, our joy, our desires, our truth, we are slowly suffocating our Mind, Body, Heart and Soul.
It is then that our Soul and Spirit seeks reconnect through the body language of pain and dis-ease
There are many benefits to such a crazy idea:
Your Employees Mental Health - as you get to play, to hold a space for yourself with curiosity, to actually start listening and observing your patterns and become more authentic to ourselves; we begin a conscious communication to self, to question what we are truly feeling, holding an objectivity to our “triggered” responses and beliefs, to see what the root of such if it isn’t love-joy or peace.
Your Employees Physical Health - apart from the ridiculous amount of sugar consumption, they will probably be much more physical, as well as the mind-body relationship. Smiling, laughing and engaging eye contact, stimulates the vagus nerve and releases oxytocin, our miracle healing hormone.
Your Employees Engagement - when we feel we are being heard, valued and supported, we create a natural loyalty and connection to those that are providing such.
Communication - people will probably engage in conversations and build up relationships that they wouldn’t have done before, for the young work-force who are used to only messaging rather than speaking, this would be a safe way to stretch their comfort zones.
Culture-Cloud Management - this would begin to break down the barriers that block the flow of communication between all levels, that is vital for an innovative and profitable company, it may even begin to dismantle old hierarchical cultures that do not serve the business- to become more of a foundation for each individual to meet their truest potential and expression.
A Workforce of Geniuses - when we are in our creative and playful state of mind and being, we are actually at our our most intelligent, with the potential of Geniuses’. The conditioned way of thinking of looking at things the way they have always been blocks our creative potential.
To be an innovative company, being one-step ahead, a trailblazer in your industry you need creative-geniuses behind you at the wheel.
NASA knew this and did a study in the 1960’s on 1600 children from the age of 5 years old. Spoiler alert - they found that 98% of the 5 year olds, showed as potential genius - how amazing is that! Yet as they went through the schooling system this dropped significantly, to the point that when they were adults, only 2% showed as potential geniuses.
Let that digest for a moment - the way we have been educated actually makes us dumber!
This video of TED talk by Dr George Land is most interesting! Dr George Land Nasa Study
“Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship”
Team Building Retreats - Creative & Innovative Sessions - LOVE2Heal Course
If you actually are intrigued as to how you could create such a day and/or retreats with health professionals and experts to hold that safe space, to enable individuals to have more conscious conversations with themselves and others, to begin to recognise old patterns that is supressing their potential, health and joy.
Contact myself, Gemma Norris to create something quite bespoke and innovative for the workplace.
The LOVE2Heal online course is a self-care, self-maintenance, self awareness and self empowerment course to dive deep into one’s subconscious beliefs and unconscious patterns, to become more conscious of how and why we think and do, and to begin to break this old un-serving patterns and create neural plasticity and pathways of what we truly desire through visualisation and meditation.
If you would like you and your employees to have a greater engagement with their work and your business, to be more creative, courageous and confident in decision making, to express with a greater level of authenticity and integrity, this course will be a foundation to such.
Please click on the image below for more details-
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
Our Kidneys hold our true essence, potential and karma