Power to the People
This is an article that I wrote back in October 2023, however feel it is ever increasingly more important as governance are making decisions and moves to reduce choice, freedom of speech and protest; potential compulsory service which if voted for is another level of disempowerment and grab for control; increasing fear of being fined as a parent, which questions who ultimately has the right and intellect to make the best decisions and choices for our children; and the systems themselves, which are based on separation, division and fear, that leaves us believing we are limited in choice, left or right, red of blue, democratic or republican- which has us divided-conquered and ruled!
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” -
”The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” -
”He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
Imagine a governance system that represents the highest good for all, that the pantomime of up-man-ship, the show of the privileged playground fighting, the Punch & Judy show grew up, and actually addressed the issues and the shadows of society and the systems themselves with truth, authenticity and integrity, with compassion and acceptance of diversity, with the objective to find a working solution for all, that wasn’t open to greed and exploitation and actually served the people an abundant way of living, of equality and justice, which was how it was sold to be many a Millenia or two years ago!
It is time to wake up from the illusions, the so-called truth we are bombarded with, and realise our own truth, which is truly only ever felt from the innate wisdom held within our heart that is in coherence with a conscious mind.
Heart and Mind Coherence
Your Choice is Your Power - Your Awareness is Your Super Power
“A state may be ruled by measures of correction; weapons of war may be used with craft dexterity; but the kingdom is made one’s own only by freedom from action and purpose.
How do I know that it is so? By these facts: In the kingdom the multiplication of prohibitive enactments increases the poverty of the people; the more implements to add to their profit that the people have; the greater disorder is there in the state and clan; the more acts of craft dexterity that men possess, the more do strange contrivances appear; the more display there is of legislation, the more thieves and robbers there are.
The Victim-Perpetrator may play out for us individually reflected in our relationships – yet is also reflected collectively in our societies, governments, infrastructure, religion and Countries.
In the next few months we will be given the opportunity to decide whether we continue this cycle of disempowerment through the programming of fear, or to break the pattern, the karmic wheel of victim – perpetrator and that money equals control and suppression, the war of freedom, do we continue to sell our sovereignty to fear and propaganda?
We will witness the unearthing of the un-serving infrastructures based upon the imbalance and abuse of money-sex-power and control, to be seen for what has always been there in our systems. Of which we will have a choice as to how we decide to move forward as a collective of individuals, as communities, societies and countries.
Do we continue to believe that greater governance and control is required to keep the social peace and safety, as subliminal fear is drummed in to our nervous system of survival and the concept of “each to their own”, if we allow ourselves and senses to be open without discernment of truth and awareness, or do we recognise that these restrictions and taxes for such are actually what causes the poverty and crime,
Do we recognise that the majority of us embody a moral code and compass not because of fear of the constrictions and punishment, yet of pure empathy, compassion and decency of being human.
Heart consciousness is awakening and opening, the veil of which separates us as individuals within the collective matrix is thinning, where you may find yourself more personally moved and or triggered by external events, you may find yourself more emotional without logical reason; you may find yourself and children may be more overwhelmed and fractious, especially those with more recognised neural diversity, as they are more sensitive to the collective energy field.
“It is when people, the collective of individuals believe they have no choice through centuries of programmes fear and domination, they disempower themselves, giving away their sovereignty, their inner power to others and systems that “police us”
The imbalance of power only holds when the collective subconscious belief and consensus is victim energy of no choice, no voice, no power.
As the veil of fear evaporates in heart consciousness, the collective becomes aware that choices have always been present.
The individual and collective realisation of such is when the balance of inner sovereignty and power tips the scales to equality and the beautiful liberation of self and humanity unfold.”
How to Navigate the Chaos – The Hype – The Fear – The Reach of Control -The Breaking Down to Break Free
To navigate this, we need to have stillness and tune out of the white noise of what we have been told to think and tune into ourselves, our body, our heart and our innate wisdom and truth. It is upon doing this that we connect to what feels right within us from a multiple and depth of sources, to form our truth and higher perception within the expansion of our hearts.
In our heart, it transitions us from our primal fight/flight if not freeze neural system based upon fear and survival, which continues the descending loop of thought-action to a higher frequency of compassionate gathered logical awareness, if not enlightened, to see things for what they truly are and to decide on the higher action, to see the negative without falling into its vortex and to create the positive, the alternative.
The negative cannot exist without the positive, therefore when the shadows are unearthed look to why, what can be gained as humanity, what is the growth we can all create for the greater good for all, for fairness, justice, liberation and freedom?
As the veil is thinner and we become more sensitive, especially if you recognise yourself as an Empath already, ensuring you have a daily healthy boundary practice is essential, like brushing your teeth AM and PM. Be very clear that you only permit your highest energy, stating “all is that not yours is to be released from your physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies”, to release all that is not pure nor serves you joy or purpose”.
Get assertive in self-love and acceptance that this is your energy, see and feel your value and worth, claim back you power and energy as your sovereignty, be discerning as to where you spend it in thoughts and actions, be mindful as to who values you, are you giving too much, again the martyr/victim energy showing itself? Be discerning as to what you expose yourself to from people, media and your own thoughts?
Recognise that your choice is your power, your choice of thoughts and actions: Your throat is another form of boundary, how you express yourself, what you let in and out, how can you express from a higher frequency of love, compassion, integrity and empathy for self and others? To know that you are safe to speak your truth from this frequency and be doing so you inspire others to do so too, a wave of change.
Ground-Ground-Ground, make sure your nervous system is of top priority as you may feel like the shite has hit the storm and the world is falling apart. Bring your roots deep to the Earth, dig deep to your natural truth and essence – Mother Earth, go beyond the superficial shifting tectonic plates, bypass the false illusions of stability and infrastructures the patriarchal constructs, which have been sold “to keep us safe”, however has become a platform of abuse, feeding money to the select few and the abuse of power and suppression of others.
Remember to stay focussed and trust the process, the process of the unveiling of social untruths and abuse, of what no longer serves humanity to the greater good - held in a collective of expanded heart consciousness- awareness – hope and intention.
How is this relevant to your Health and Wellbeing?
Well when we are in the emotional state of hopelessness, disempowerment and fear, our bodies are either in fight-flight or the freeze neural system, which if chronic (long-periods of times) creates high levels of cortisol, stress and inflammation, which is the root of all pain and dis-ease!
When we feel we are not able to express our needs and are not being heard, this blocks our throat chakra, which represents in neck and shoulder pain, thyroid and endocrine imbalance and much more.
When we feel our needs are being met and we are not in fear - our body comes into alignment, into coherence, our HRV (Heart Rate Variability) stabilises and the parasympathetic nervous system, thus allowing for the body to heal itself!
The Martyr–Victim-Perpetrator Triangle- Breaking the Energetic Karmic Cycle - an article explaining this triangle we all carry as a vibration within or energy fields, until we become conscious of.
Revolution 4 Evolution - part of Gemma’ Gems, an Energy Update for 2024, how we are here make changes for humanity and to claim back our sovereignty.
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
Navigating Mental Overwhelm Navigate the Cycles of Change with Greater Ease and Grace - A video from Gemma’s Gems, explaining how to navigate the natural healing process of transformation, that may have you feeling and experiencing overwhelm on a physical, mental and emotional level. To be able to shift the perspective of Breaking Free not Breaking Down
Our Kidneys hold our true essence, potential and karma