Breaking Free from the Victim-Martyr-Perpetrator Cycle
A guided meditation and a talk to be fully emerged within the energetics that are presenting to us individually and collectively.
Within our emotions, our patterns and beliefs that are inherited through to us from our ancestors, held within our unconscious body as well as our learned behaviours in this life that lay within our subconscious mind and our Autonomic Nervous System, our primitive mind of survival.
Our ANS, including the amygdala seeks safety, support and acceptance - which falls easier if not conscious into a cycle of fear and scarcity.
I talk about how the energy of victim-martyr and perpetrator plays out in our daily life from the most subtle to the very obvious from feeling unlucky, disempowered to abused and powerless, in our relationships, society and infrastructures and governance.
It is time to "wipe the slate clean" and start showing up for what we are truly here for, to live in a more heart conscious way, for ourselves and others.
It is time to claim back our power and inner sovereignty through awareness and conscious choices. It is time to "wipe the slate clean" and start showing for what we are truly here for, to live in a more heart conscious way, for ourselves and others. It's time to break free from karmic cycles, Ancestral and Soul Lineage, we are at a fundamental cross road, a balancing act of liberation, freedom and equality through us individually and collectively consciously reclaiming back our power and light.
We do this through deep conscious healing, awareness of self and being prepared to take ownership of our actions and thoughts, in this life and others. We are the conscious pattern breakers to create a greater world to live in for ourselves, our children and the generations to follow.
To experience deeper love, joy and peace. We are to start living from the deep connection of love - this is what will bring division together - this will bring a space of acceptance and PEACE - this is the Devine Dark Feminine - the fierce Mother energy of love.
“We are the conscious pattern breakers - to create a greater world to live in for ourselves, our children and the generations to follow, for all to experience deeper love, joy and peace in abundance”
This as we embody will end wars inner and outer, to foster Peace - a settlement of division. The guided meditation takes you on a journey within your central nervous system to recalibrate it back to your truth - LOVE - to connect to Mother Earth - to purify your system as you bathe in the filtered crystal water to wash away toxins, impurities and to align with the healing energy of forgiveness - to become a FREE and LIBERATED SOUL once more - to embody trust in self - and to become a beacon and healer of such.
Guided Meditation Audio only with music - 59 minutes
Introduction Talk & Guided Meditation - audio only 1 hour 20 mins
Video & Guided Meditation - 1 hour 20 mins
Unfortunately the music I played didn't work, so you may skip a few minutes to hear the closing of the meditation.
0-16 mins talk
16-73 - guided meditation
80- 1:20 - closing
Breaking Free from the Victim-Martyr-Perpetrator Cycle - article
Navigating through the Storms of Life- …by our deep internal wisdom and power of our Heart and Mind Coherence - article