Sound Library
Diving Deep into Your Light-Roots-Connection & Authentic Self
Activating your authentic light and self.
11:11 Portal Activation- Inner Alignment & Closing Old Paradigms
11:11 Portal Activation - Inner Trust & Alignment
Overwhelm to Inner Trust & Connection
A 50 minute meditation to bring a deeper sense of trust and connection to self
Frustration to Inner Flow - As Above-So Below-
Releasing the energy of frustration to embody the flow and intelligence of water- surrender - surrender-surrender
Lionsgate -Becoming The Maker of Your Path - With Courage & Pure Heart
Stepping up in Courage and Pure Heart - ascension activation guided meditation
Setting Our Pure & Clear Intentions - Aligning with Love-Joy & Peace
To support you to find your pure and clear intentions of what you wish to feel, see and be in this world. A beautiful way to clear the clutter that blocks you from experiencing and being your full soulful potential filled with joy and purpose.
Womb- Hara Healing- Activating Your Higher Frequency DNA Expression
Womb-Hara Healing - Guided Meditation & Visualisation Journey
Connecting to Your Deep Inner Wisdom -Truth & Essence of Creation -
Diving deep through the layers of fear to your truth and pure essence.
Connection to Earth - Becoming a Conduit of Light
Aligning to Love-Joy & Peace - Healing our wounds of fear and separation
Breaking Free from the Victim-Martyr-Perpetrator Cycle
Breaking free from victim-martyr energy and experiences
Processing Grief -Self Transformation & Inner Peace
Processing the energy of grief for greater self transformation and inner peace
Finding Your Inner Power-Potential & Joy
Unlocking You - Your Power & Purpose in Life - "A life with purpose is a joyful life"
Your Choice is Your Power
A guided meditation with music to support you to truly recognise your power - Your Choices
Finding Your Inner Truth & Expression
A guided meditation to dive deeper within to find your inner truth.