The Martyr-Victim - Perpetrator Triangle
Breaking The Energy Karmic Cycle
How to break free from these subconscious patterns, karmic cycles and Soul contracts that keeps us in a loop of negative consequences and attachments, to finally experience our truth and our Sovereignty of Joy and Abundance
We all at some point or if not still have active vibrations of the martyr, victim and perpetrator energy that are playing out in our daily thoughts, sub consciousness, unconscious body and actions, individually and collectively.
To be able to comprehend this writing if you are not already on the “woo-woo” level, I would first suggest you take a sit back, rest your inquisitive-logical mind and lean into your untapped inner knowing, your heart, the centre of infinite connection and wisdom, 5000 times the frequency and capacity of your mind, breathe and open your heart like a comfy sofa to be held in.
Take some breaths and recognise that we are energetic beings densely held to a physical presence that can be seen within our visible spectrum of light.
When we accept that we are energy and that energy can never be destroyed simply transformed, we are able to begin to acknowledge what we may not be able to currently comprehend or understand!
That what maybe our truth actually goes beyond our minds capacity which likes to create patterns and our “known” a teasing game of our perception and “illusion “of control, yet our hearts have the capacity to hold all, and when open in a space of love, fear is a stranger!
You only have one moment and this is now, this very moment, the present the very breath you take, the breath out, that has passed already, the present moment is a singular point of infinite energy that has the connection to the past and the future!
From this point we have a choice of the frequency and vibration we wish to be, we are able to consciously create the energetic fields we wish to be in for now and the future and we can also send healing back through the infinite tube of light back to our Soul and energetic creation, whenever it all began, this is our Soul lineage.
The water of our oceans, rivers, seas and streams that also carries our blood which holds the essence of all that has touched and existed and the emotions of humanity, our blood is an emotional energetic imprint that flows through our generations from whenever humanity began, this is our Earth lineage.
Our lineage in light is wisdom, a gathering of gifts and talent, an inner knowing, in its shadow it lays under the radar of our conscious mind playing out through our subconscious mind and our unconscious body that we have inherited.
In order to raise our vibration we have a web of lineage to heal; our Soul lineage through our many incarnations; our Earth lineage through our ancestors, especially the matriarchal, as our blood interlaces with our mother whilst in the womb and so did hers to her Mother’s!; and our many Soul’s Earth lineage incarnations… (waah!)
Yet do not be disheartened dear Souls, for it is upon awareness, an objectivity that we can become the pattern breakers and karmic cycle release through conscious choices, which I believe we have all chosen to be incarnated now to be these progressive compassionate pattern breakers, the awakening of humanities amnesia!!
So back to the Martyr- Victim- Perpetrator energies…
The martyr and victim have similar energies yet are different in terms of the consciousness and sub consciousness of power.
The Martyr gives away their power consciously or subconsciously from an energy and vibration of unworthiness and self-sacrifice, a subconscious belief that one isn’t equal, nor deserving.
The Victim believes they have no power, no voice or choice and live in a world that happens to them. Subconsciously they will have the undertones of guilt that may run through this life time, their unconscious body imprinted through the ancestral lineage and/or their past lives as Soul lineage.
These low vibrational energies of guilt and shame penetrate a hole within the aura that allows the unequal balance of the victim and perpetrator relationship to continue the cycle, the guilt as a frequency which attracts the negative experiences.
A Martyr may also have been a “victim”, which activated the subconscious belief that they are not worthy, not good enough and that they are not equal, most likely when they didn’t have a voice or choice
Experienced in many ways, a young child for instance, sexual abuse, the raping and pillaging, the negative shadow of the masculine claiming right to land and people, the domination rule individually and collectively as patriarchal societies, which unfortunately has been the stage of humanity for thousands of years and still is playing out in injustice, censorship, abuse of money, power and war.
However we at an era of change, to be patterns breakers through our awareness in heart consciousness, we are individually and collectively a revolutionary force to evolve as humanity
We become the creators of our chosen reality
I’ll start with the Martyr energy, which has been coming up in female clients recently, an essence that I equally can relate to as I look back in how I have worked as a therapist who is learning the value of healthy boundaries and how they are imperative for our health and happiness.
The feminine, like water will absorb the energy of what it comes in contact with and the memory is recorded within, quite often we see and have seen in the female the taking on of others issues to ‘placate’, sacrificing one’s own inner peace to keep the peace!
A warrior for change and passion yet laden down with the perceived responsibility of others shite, for the illusion and belief is that if they take on as their own they can heal the other person, however we can’t actually ‘fix’ anyone else, we can only heal ourselves for the non-negotiable gift we all have which is “free will”, we cannot act for others.
The result instead becomes a smearing of negative energies with no defined boundaries of responsibility – who owns what – who is responsible to alchemise and heal the negative and low vibrations of the emotions of shame, guilt and fear to LOVE, JOY and PEACE
What happens is the Martyr takes on the energy of others and is unable to process as it is not theirs to do so, leaving these low energetic vibrations within the collective, like a stealth fart in a lift, no one claims it to be theirs yet everyone else ends up breathing it in!
As a martyr your intentions are to help, yet the boundaries become blurred, the subconscious is carrying an energy of unworthiness, somehow and somewhere in the martyr psyche, the unconscious body the subconscious mind, is that they believe they are less than – that they are willing to SELF SACRIFICE their joy, their health, their energy, their sovereignty of power for someone else.
This subconscious belief system, AKA BS (bullshite) may have grown from a pattern inherited from a learnt behaviour ‘nurture’, most likely observed behaviours as a child in their foundation years watching and being within the dynamics of the home environment and relationships of their guardians, parents and carers, the role play of the masculine and feminine.
The feminine lineage ‘nature’ the unconscious body of how women have had to behave to survive to placate, to be the peace keeper, to be unequal to the male.
How this plays out in our body is stuck between our liver, womb and yoni (your Hara point if male) and our throat, as the fear of persecution blocks our expression and closes the throat, the emotions become suppressed into the body. The liver that acts as a sponge absorbs the perpetrators anger and fear, and depending on the level of abuse is also held within the womb and yoni as a personalised intravenous response of guilt and shame which locks in tight and leaden in energy..
The sacral and Hara trauma blocks our chi and life force our flow of creativity, innocence and expression, the anger absorb manifests its own anger and through suppression simmers to rage consciously and unconsciously, as the learnt behaviour of the feminine has been to suppress the anger as it was not safe or not “acceptable” behaviour of a woman!
Deeper still the connection between the liver and the back-heart becomes twisted, blocking the flow of the heart and the energy of love tied into hurt and betrayal, where barriers of fear are created, which ultimately imbalances the flow of unconditional love, affecting our experiences of giving and receiving love and joy in balance.
To unburden and release the patterns of martyr energy is to have clear boundaries of what we consciously and subconsciously allow ourselves to be open to, to consciously set an intention to have the discernment of what is pure and what is not, what is yours and what is not.
A martyr gives away their power by choice subconsciously, fuelled by the energy of unworthiness – a learnt behaviour, belief inherited and/or taken on from experiences of victimisation of the abuse of power.
A victim is in a narrative of deep guilt, shame and unworthiness and believes they have no choice, for they are in a deep neural system of freeze/shock/fear, consciously or subconsciously in the mind and inherited within the unconscious body, depending on whether the threat is real and present such as an abusive relationship, or a learnt belief “good things don’t happen to me” “that’s my luck!”
In a way it becomes a role play, possibly a pattern of seeking attention leaden with unworthiness, guilt and shame. Their boundaries are open to receive negative energies, as energy attracts energy, a subconscious belief, a frequency beyond our consciousness that one isn’t worthy of happiness and love, yet somehow they deserve this behaviour towards them.
To break-free from this pattern of abuse is to know that you have a choice, you always have a choice, it’s simply holding awareness via opening our heart consciousness, for it is fear that will tell us we don’t have this luxury of choice.
Once we begin the journey of opening our hearts to find our own self-worth and love, the power of choice is felt and acknowledged, the victim then takes the actions to reclaim back their power, their power and sovereignty they have surrendered and gave away to the Perpetrator.
The Martyr gives away their power consciously or subconsciously from an energy and vibration of unworthiness and self-sacrifice, a subconscious belief that one isn’t equal, nor deserving.
The Victim believes they have no power, no voice or choice and live in a world that happens to them.
The Three-Legged race of Karma
These patterns, beliefs and thus our experiences may also be created from your Soul Lineage your past lives, where maybe you acted as the Perpetrator….(pin dropping moment!) Yes I know that this is a hard pill to swallow, especially if you are in the martyr energy being “the good person” and giving so much of yourself out there, how possibly could you be the evil guy?!
Again we come back to energy and that energy attracts energy, there may be a hangover of guilt and shame and unworthiness of actions held in your energetic field, you may also have energetic cords of oaths, intentions and curses set by yourself and others in a different life time, forming a most uncomfortable three legged race that neither are free from playing out the victim and perpetrator role play in many lifetimes – until the pattern is broken and healed.
As a Soul I believe we are here to see, feel and experience all, the shadow and light, yet through awareness we begin to consciously heal our wounds individual and the collective. In this life we have chosen to incarnate to break these cycles- the soul contracts of the alternating victim-perpetrator ping pong once and for all.
We are here to heal our Ancestral and Soul lineage, to break the cords of fear and separation that binds us Souls together in a negative bondage experience, a co-dependency to finally live out in freedom and joy.
So how do we heal this shite?
Upon awareness the next step to freedom is to harness the power of the fire, the rage and anger to uncover the depths and excavate our self-love and worthiness, when we allow ourselves to be pissed about what has happened “to” us, or “for” us, depending on your perspective (not likely if it is happening real time for you), we begin to feel the fire and power of self-love within us, possibly you may never have felt before or believed even existed!
Well lovely Soul if that is the case, you are in for a beautiful surprise when you connect to the depths within you and find that spark of light and love where it has always been.
Heart Conscious Anger is the fire of alchemy to change… what is Leaden to Gold and what is Fear to Love
To release from these karmic patterns we need to come to a place of forgiveness. Yet before we forgive we must also allow the hate, the anger, the rage to rise, the heat that has been smouldering for generations destroying and crumbling our inner power and reserves, our vibrancy and zest for life.
For under this anger, rage and hurt is self-love and self-worth, even if you feel you have none, the permission to feel and to be consciously angry in a safe and supportive way, is permitting yourself to love you, that you are worthy and you are loved.
At first we reignite the spark by opening our hearts, the chakra of air, to feel and breathe once more, an opening to receive and connect to the love within. Even if this is a tiny flame, it will grow to an inner furnace of love and acceptance, it becomes the healthy boundary to discern what is love and what is not.
The fire in the solar plexus, the centre of self-worth becomes ignited and ready to process and release, your liver the container of anger, rage and betrayal is the wood, the fuel to the fire, that up until now has been cindering in suppression, smouldering and suffocating our cells, our body , our joy - For the fire to breathe you need your heart open providing love and air for the flame to burn rather than cinder and your throat to enable expression in a conscious heartfelt way, to “let off steam”
The fire in your belly once the burnout of the old debris, the old un-serving patterns and belief systems have been processed, a new inspired focus, power , clarity and strength rises up like a phoenix of truth and self-empowerment.
The final stage is for your large intestines to have the ability to let go of all that has been processed by the small intestines, of what no longer serves, the discernment of what is pure and what is not, what is yours and what is not, with the final release through the emotional frequency of forgiveness, forgiveness of self and others through our multi layers and dimensions.
If we are unable to forgive we still hold a filtered version of victim energy in our energy field.
The art of forgiveness is not accepting the unacceptable – Forgiveness isn’t about saying the behaviour is acceptable; it’s a matter of acceptance and the choice to find your own inner peace and healing. it is the liberation of self, our Souls –it is the freedom the unburdening of the low vibrations that block our joy, purpose and power.
Forgiveness with the intention to forgive ourselves and all other Souls we have incarnated with – to send forgiveness through our Ancestral lineage held in our unconscious body, we release all karmic patterns, the guilt, the shame, the unworthiness, the self-sacrifice – the self-sabotage – the martyr the victim – the perpetrator – to close and cut free all cords and chains that have bound us in the energetic sea and oceans that we are all part all.
It is the ultimate physical, emotional, mental and energetic detox all held through awareness and the connection to your body, being grounded and feeling safe and supported to do so, a full mind-heart-body and Soul experience and process.
Forgiveness is the sound and vibration that is so high a frequency it cannot be heard, yet it is felt and cuts like glass – it pierces and releases, it cuts the cords with such ultimate definition and finesse– like silk to a sword
A pitch so definite it pierces and creates a new wave of awareness and expression that says
This process will need to be practiced many times to heal these layers held in self-compassion and acceptance, it cannot be rushed to the next stage just because we want it to, (trust me I have tried and still do), all it creates is an inner frustration and friction, that generates more heat and mis-alignment, can you see the cycle and pattern here?
We are relearning a state of trust in the wisdom of our bodies, of which we have to surrender to.
Set a desire and intention of how you wish to feel and then release the expectation, allow the miracles to unfold and reveal themselves.
Open Our Hearts
You may wish to read the following articles and listen to the supportive guided meditation and visualisation journey:
Breaking Free from The Martyr-Victim-Perpetrator Karmic Cycle - Guided Meditation with Music - Sound Library
I Release the Rage -article
I Release The Rage - Guided Meditation