"I Release the Rage"
I release the rage, the anger that burns and smoulders inside me, within my conscious and unconscious body and mind
The injustice, the taken for granted, the non-consensual misuse of power and physical strength, the greed, the abuse, the taking of what was not theirs to take, the suppression of our sisters, mothers and daughters.
The rage - the unspoken - the unexpressed rage
I allow it to ignite, to burn this rage, the undergrowth of society–this anger – this hurt –this fear – the blatant dishonouring and betrayal of the sacredness once honoured in the masculine protection.
I choose to be a vessel of release and expression, yet no longer the burden held in mute shame
To no longer absorb both mine and their discomfort and guilt - I no longer sacrifice my inner peace “to keep the peace” – the status quo
I give this rage the opening, the air it needs to burn itself away to take its course and path of healing
I say NO – NO more
For I choose to be Free
I choose to Liberate myself
I am Equal – I am Love
My heart burns openly with Love
I burn until there is no more – for the ashes to lay in peace –
An ache, a residue of grief of what could have been
Upon such I lay it to rest
I gather myself and rise in my new born energy of inner peace – inner love – a fearless love of self and life
My sovereignty – my inner power - held within the sanctuary of self-liberation and truth.
And So It Is
“I am safe to feel my anger and rage”
”I am safe to acknowledge and express my anger and rage”
”I express in a manner that is healing and to my highest good”
This article relates to the non-consensual abuse of Women throughout Humanity -
How the sacred feminine, the maiden energy, the pure vibrancy of the female taken and claimed by the shadow of the masculine.
We are in an energetic clearing process individually and collectively right now and the next year especially will be showing exactly what no longer serves us joy or purpose in our own lives, our societies, governments and world.
It will be highlighting old belief systems, patterns, infrastructures and how money, sex, power and control have been used to disempower "the common people"
We are in a healing process for both the masculine and feminine energy, to create a place of equality and balance.
Through imprinting we receive the emotional and mental energies of our ancestors, maternal and paternal, however strongly passed through our matriarchal lineage as our blood is exchanged with our mother whilst within the womb, and the female embryo ovaries, the seeds of new generations are formed whilst still within the scared womb.
We inherit emotions within our unconscious body, meaning it is in our cellular makeup without our conscious awareness, laying active stealth-like in our subconscious mind.
Be you male or female or however you recognise yourself as, you will have the emotional energetics within you of your female ancestors, right back to whenever humanity began.
Humanity has not been kind to women over the thousands of years and the emotions of rage, abuse, anger and betrayal, shame and guilt will lay within, the strangle hold of being unable to express, the hiding and shaming for society didn't want to see, or worse still the blatant acceptance of the abuse, the belief they are the weaker sex and to have accept such!
This smouldering unexpressed anger, especially if you are not conscious of such, creates a heat and inflammation within our body cells, mostly stored in the liver, the gallbladder as the overflow of bitterness and following the liver back to the heart via the portal vein and vena cava.
The Alchemy of Conscious Rage - Self Care
If you find yourself reading this, you may have been affected by this personally and/or it triggers something within you. I would highly recommend to take some moments to breathe and consciously connect with an intention to your heart and liver, your body to allow it to release any suppressed anger, as under that conscious anger is self love, a part of you, an inner flame that says you are worthy - you are equal.
I write this on a Full Super-Moon, an excellent time to aid the release and healing process, as well as being in height of the energy of the Heart and small intestine, represented by the element of Fire.
I wrote the full affirmation on a piece of paper and burnt it, trusting my body to have the discernment to release what no longer serves me, I visualised the flames burning away it all.
Take moments after and allow whatever to shift through you in a supported and grounded way.
The space you may feel in your heart after, set the intention to fill with a gold nectar light, of love, joy and peace.
Open Our Hearts
To support you in this process to release, conscious, subconscious and unconscious rage, hurt, anger and betrayal held within you, to alchemise Lead to Gold - Fear to Love -
I Release the Rage- Healing the Feminine Lineage - Guided Meditation
Here is a video I recorded in the lead up to the Guided Meditation
Healing our bodies as we allow our fire to burn through the suppressed anger and rage, to release the old, to renew and be reborn fully in your inner power, self worth -your inner GOLD.
To release the heat and inflammation in our bodies that causes pain and dis-ease.
I'll bring in channelling of a healing Ritual of Egypt -
If you have experienced abuse, non-consensual mis use of power, suppression, toxic relationships and/or experiencing pain discomfort mind and body, this may well be for you.
🔥This will be transformational, a shift towards a higher way of being, of more joy and purpose.
Dear Pussy - I speak for you when you fear you cannot! - an article highlighting the abuse and gender inequality
I Release the Rage- Healing the Feminine Lineage - Guided Meditation and Visualisation Journey
Feminine to the Masculine- an article with channelled words as the Feminine speaks to the Masculine