Dear Pussy - I speak for YOU when you fear you cannot!
3.95 pussies in this world!
50% of the world population
230 million have had Female Genital Mutilation – circa 60,000 girls at risk in the UK
798,000. women across England and Wales. are raped or sexually assaulted every year.
Every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child.
40,000+ women killed in witch trials falsely under the name of God
Overturning Roe v Wade criminalising doctors and bringing women “to death’s door” before they get the care they need - a hypocrisy as “pro-life” fight for their rights to own fire-arms!!!
Congo on average, 48 women are raped every hour. Gang rapes, genital mutilation, and sexual violence are committed by armed groups, gangs, and government and police forces. Many of the victims are children and babies!
I speak for the women and children who feel they have no voice, which are suppressed, confined and abused.
I speak for the 230 million women and girls across our globe that has had their sovereignty taken and mutilated in the name of culture and control.
Who bereft her in permanent pain and shame, devoid of pleasure, to serve only to pleasure men and to bear children!
A cutting from her power – her beauty
For I feel your pain and shame, held within the abusive patriarchal system that fears women and her innate power – So they abuse her, make her feel worthless and hopeless, conditioning her to question and deny herself over and over again – a systemic power of abuse to suppress their own inadequacy and fears.
This power that was gifted and honoured to the pure masculine – a power of strength to protect the sacredness of the feminine.
Yet- she rises
She crawls out of the Earth, the rocks, stained in blood – she is wild and feral – with ferocity of rage, torment and love.
Her nails are ripped from her fingers, as she defiantly claws her way back to the surface – wild and untamed to be seen in her truth
Only to be feared by those that fear her – her strength – her power – her integrity and the uncomfortable truth that she reflects of this abuse.
She rises and brings an army of empowered individuals with her
Do not fear her Dear Men – for she seeks no revenge – she may strip you of your ego and illusions – serving you only to your highest good.
She seeks to unshadow the injustice, the pain, the shame – to be seen in its truth and light.
No longer are we able to look away in the “social conditioned” acceptance of blatant abuse and inequality.
She stands in her bloodied naked vulnerability – not to absorb your judgement as her shame – yet for you to see what you carry in belief systems and self-judgement.
For you to WAKE up and truly be your inner power and integrity.
For she no longer absorbs your anger – she no longer absorbs the discomfort – she no longer sacrifices her inner peace and sanctuary to keep the peace and status quo.
For she has found her worth through her bloodied shame and guilt – she has found her worth through the flames of conscious rage and anger – ceasing the path of millennia’s as “victim-martyr”
She chooses to break the patterns and cycles of her ancestors – our Grandmothers of age.
She has found her boundary – her voice – her unapologetic expression of integrity and light.
Her bloodied wild exterior is of the fire Love – of Revolution – for she acts deep from the womb of the Earth – her heart empowered and fed only with unconditional love and a passion deep within the groin to see equality – a restoration of her sacredness.
She is the beat of the drum, the war cry of revolution – for the evolution of our sisters, brothers, daughters and sons – she calls to all to awaken from their numbness – for truth to be seen.
She is not of revenge, the perpetual victim-perpetrator cycle that our parasitic patriarchal system feeds from – she seeks harmony - she seeks peace – she seeks justice and equality.
For she has remembered her worth – rekindled to, as she crawled on her belly out of the shackles of sin, the suppressed and abused – through conscious rage she alchemises what is fear to love and lead to gold.
The rage burns the debris that has suffocated life and joy – the death of old beliefs to be reborn.
For she is the embodiment of compassion – a desire for peace fuelled by the love as a Mother, and a daughter to the Earth herself- Mother to Mother.
The calling and cries of Mother Earth for humanity to evolve – the contractions – the urges raising an unstoppable force, as the rise of the Feminine – a rebirth.
For she is in all of us – she has no prejudice of gender – of age –of race – of privilege – of sexual identity.
For women to remember her worth – and to call out the bullshit that holds her down
For men to recognise the strength in vulnerability – and the courage to be both
To know that when she is truly in her power – she offers her hand and beckons you to follow – for you to find your heart – your love –your power and sovereignty.
This is neither a rising nor transference of blame and shame – when it is brought to our attention we must not tip the scales nor force the masculine into the shadowed depths, as her replacement.
It is a calling of healing – of our masculine wounds - our fears and need to control – a calling to be present in your truth, integrity and strength.
For she has healed her wounds – she has chosen forgiveness, an acceptance of the unacceptable – for her inner peace -yet never forgotten – a silence no longer kept.
She calls for men, brothers, sons and husbands to become her ally, to align their strength to truly embody the feminine in all her beauty and form.
She beholds the power of alchemy – to return the separation of hate and anger back to love and wholeness.
She is the protector and healer of your heart – as you are the protector of her body.
So I speak for and to you all, dear Pussy owners, all 4 billion of you out there.
For as Mama Gena says; “it all starts with a word, and that word is Pussy!” – A beholder of sacredness, the passion, the power and the codes of life itself held within the womb – the sound of returning to one – the Universal OM.
This Dear Souls is the Pussy Revolution – The Feminine Uprising – The Evolution of Humanity – the expression and embodiment of Humility.
It will shake and rattle you to your core, questioning all that you know of self and the world – it will feel like the foundations upon which you have grown upon are breaking down, as these tectonic plates of evolution move.
The catalytic shifts physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
The fear and shadows will rise – yet so does your light.
Your ego will question and try at every expansion to contract you and return you to the safety of the illusions – to be unseen – unheard and un-felt.
However, to fear our growth and expansion, the unknown – we fear life itself!
We would not have been born – had we not as a Soul rode the waves of trust and Devine timing.
It was the feminine – the Pussy that gave life – we all have travelled through – for that we must return our gratitude, love and respect – and be graciously humbled by her power.
The sacred power can never be owned for she is sacred to Earth – Women are the vessels of this sacredness and can never, ever be taken!
When she is safe, honoured, cherished and loved, she will share this sacredness with you, the nectar of life – that will heal your Heart, Soul-Spirit and Body
I speak for every Pussy, every woman and child
I speak for the Feminine – the Maiden-Mother-Wise One
I speak for all our children
I speak for Mother Earth and her creatures
I speak for Demeter and Persephone
I speak for Humanity.
I speak for Life and Sovereignty
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
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