Money-Power-Sex-Control - Reclaiming and Embodying Your Power - Your Worth - Your Joy
An excerpt from Science to Soul -health empowerment by Gemma Norris
So our base chakra has gone through quite a battering in the years from 2020, from fear of dying to fear of not being able to financially survive… thank you media and to all the powers to be, the incessant need to drum the beat of fear and scaremongering has really challenged the health of our minds and bodies!
The bells of scarcity are well and truly being rung in a very fear based way, however there is absolute abundance in this world, we simply need to open our eyes and mind to truly see, to be aware, there is plenty of money in this world, we need to question where is it going to?
To shift our experiences to abundance, we need to break the belief system of competition that is so deeply ingrained within us and society, a belief that has us believe that if someone has got there first and has it, somehow we can’t have it, we have lost out! NO!
Money – Joy – Love - are all energy and Energy is Infinite
The base chakra links into the masculine energy of survival and the connection to the Earth and the feminine sacral chakra links to our joy and thriving, the energy of money links with both.
Hence our relationship with the masculine and feminine will determine our relationship with money. Our perception of the masculine consciously and subconsciously is imperative to this relationship.
Everything has a positive and negative, a masculine and a feminine, light and shadow neither can exist without the other.
Money – Power – Control – Sex have all been intertwined with one another over the thousand years of humanity, however not in a positive way, the negative and dark side of the masculine, which can certainly form a subconscious rejection mind and body.
As we are witnessing the attempt to syphon off money, so is power and control. The base chakra is about reaffirming and claiming back one’s sovereignty and power, to not give into fear and hopelessness, to dig deep into our own inner resources and power within, fully embodied.
When we consciously choose to claim back and embody our power in love and self-acceptance, we reconnect to the light of the masculine- the creator of healthy boundaries, in this energetic, emotional and physical strength, it creates a multi layered energetic vessel – us - to receive, which is the feminine side of money, both have to be in alignment to have a healthy flowing and abundant relationship with money.
Any money issues or concerns can restrict our base chakra, our skeletal system, as it is about feeling safe and supported.
For me this came up in my right sacral-lilac joint and right hip, upon working in the area and tuning into what this was highlighting to me was my ability to stand on my own two feet financially.
As a woman, who was financially independent before children, suddenly became dependent on my husband financially, unbeknown to myself at the time, without the awareness I have now, brought up these old beliefs of "who owns the money has control", it was bringing up my inner child and triggering old fear patterns from an abusive and over controlling father.
Unfortunately this did not bode well as I was coming from the perspective of my fear based inner child, the only power I had was sex, which became shut down as my inner child, my body viscerally unconsciously and my mind subconscious hidden from my conscious mind was carrying sexual abuse, shame and guilt locked tightly down in my base and sacral chakra.
The abuse was lurking around in my psyche especially when I came to self-pleasure, the sudden feeling of my perpetrator over me, enticed an overwhelm of shame and believing something was wrong with me, which only naturally deepened the urge to bury and disconnect from, to the point I couldn’t orgasm nor wish to have any sexual contact.
It wasn’t until I had Covid, which to me was a gift as it went straight to my kidneys, adrenals and bladder, it highlighted to me what I knew that my body viscerally and neurologically was carrying a subconscious stress, held deep in fear and shock, the overwhelm of shock that freezes your nervous system.
“From a higher perspective we may see the gift of Covid, that it brings the shadows to the light, physically, emotionally and mentally for us individually and collectively as a society. Everything that was already there, the inflammation of our bodies and society that was not serving us joy or purpose comes up into the light to be seen for what it is and to be healed - for a greater more evolved existence for all.”
It was this deep fatigue that I listened to and decided to pause, to stop my incessant “need” to be busy, a constant cortisol fix, the restlessness and discomfort in stillness, which ultimately was my way of avoiding my subconscious and what felt like a dark thunder cloud that I had to keep running from, the illusion that I could “control” and out run it, if I just kept going it wouldn’t hit me. Nah – my delusion of control!
It was through my desire to heal and listen to my body was when the truth came, when I consciously connected to the subconscious. It was a connection that allowed the visceral memory to release all that had been stored and suppressed.
In a year of deep work and listening I am allowing and acknowledging my body and my emotions to process and release. I have come to recognise that each part of the emotion process has its own digestion, nothing can be bypassed, each has to be seen felt and expressed, to discern what is needed and to release all that is not, to ultimately come to a true inner peace and acceptance, contrary to the good old avoidance technique.
As I spoke out to the family it was like a fusion bomb of truth and light exploded, which felt chaotic and painful as reactions were not what I had hoped for, my inherent pattern of being the “peacekeeper”, brought a lot of disharmony, yet also empowerment to be able to speak my truth from my heart.
Somewhere deep within my heart was a knowing and trust that I would ride this storm and my truth was my axis, I was in the eye of the storm, watching everything break away, I simply had to stay true to myself and my needs, that was my power. To be able to open my voice has been the pivotal part of my healing journey to put healthy boundaries in where they weren’t before.
Fast forward and one year later as I am ready to launch my new business The Infinity Health Hub, that is in itself is an embodiment of trust and belief in myself, my hips start playing up, my right hip and sacral.
On a money perspective, I had already processed old beliefs that money meant power over another, that if you have the money you have the voice and choice, which runs through our society, somehow we give away our power and voice to others who have money, another forming of disempowerment through a subconscious belief carried from generation to generation.
Also, with my business in clinic, somewhere in my subconscious it was saying it was ok if it didn’t work out, I always have my husband’s finances to rely on, again another deeply ingrained belief system as women for thousands of years have had their right and sovereignty of money controlled by men.
This belief was keeping me small and frustrated at the same time, as my Soul’s need is Freedom, freedom of choice, it desires independence, I am not here to rely on anyone else nor be in their shadows!
So it was a message to stand on my own two feet in balance, to claim my individual worth, my power, in both my masculine and feminine energy, to stand strong in self-belief and trust and to welcome my inner masculine energy to support me to be visible and discoverable in my heart conscious light and essence.
To allow myself to receive in my deep feminine, the joy, the pleasure, to trust the masculine energy and for my shadow feminine to discern what is pure and what is not, to be my energetic gatekeeper, filter and healthy boundary to be open only to what serves me joy, purpose and pleasure, to my highest good, receiving only what feeds and nurtures my Soul, Body and Spirit.
To release myself from the shadowed entanglement of money, control, sex and power and to realign with the light and beauty of all, to be full immersed in the joy and love that they bring in abundance.
Here’s hoping for a significant increase and flow passion, joy and MONEY!!! Shall keep you posted on that one!
Everything I Need is Already Within Me
Self Reflection-
The key aspect of my healing and self growth was to first recognise these triggers were there to awaken me to them, rather than deny and bury hidden in shame and guilt, for the many years that I did, which continued the cycle of emotional responses and experiences as "my story" and creating further false confirmations of perception, all entangled by fear.
I was lost in the sea of my mind, not actually knowing who to trust, as ultimately I did not trust myself as I wasn't connected nor grounded in self, another form of rejection I had created as "survival" mode. A pattern quite common for those who have experienced trauma, it is easier at the time to disassociate, to disconnect the body holding the pain and trauma from the mind as a "coping" mechanism. It is the mental and emotional disconnection that creates the physical restrictions and symptoms.
Also, self trust and self-belief was not something that was encouraged growing up, interestingly, neither is it promoted in our society as a self regulation tool, as we are taught everything we need to know is outside of us. Our true knowledge and wisdom already lays within us, it is the key of self love and acceptance that unlocks our beauty, light and power.
My inner child's perception of the masculine "male" through experiences resulted in blocking this energy, it was not to be trusted, alongside not trusting myself nor being grounded fully in my body, blocked the pure essence of the masculine and feminine, which manifested itself as low energy, libido and testosterone (masculine energy), yet also low self worth and belief. I also was on "burn out", heavily in my masculine energy as by being busy, the constant doing, the frustration of stillness, fuelled by my deep fear of not being enough nor doing enough!.
Gee, as I write this, I was definitely on a crash course, so easy to see now... the beauty of hindsight and awareness! This learning and tool to have with me for life.
My advice to you Dear Souls, is to awaken your consciousness mind and heart, take moments of stillness to allow yourself to process your thoughts, to connect to your body through breath and regular self care to avoid the overwhelm.
To know that when things present themselves to you that are not of love and joy, they are there to be seen as old stories, belief systems (aka bullshit) and patterns to be broken free from
They are not your truth - Your TRUTH and pure essence is of love, joy and peace.
Upon this awareness you begin to make conscious healing choices to break-free from the plaque of fear, that has been deeply engrained by humanity over thousands of years into our subconscious mind and unconscious body, which restricts our connection and claim to our sovereignty, our inner power and light, our pleasure and joy in abundance.
It is time to reclaim your sovereignty, your power, worth, passion and purpose fully embodied within You.
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I Release The Rage -article
I Release The Rage - Guided meditation and visualisation journey - “a must for every woman”
Womb Healing Guided Meditation
LOVE2Heal - online course
From this very moment, I claim and fully embody my inner gold, my sovereignty, my purest power, worth, light and joy in complete abundance - always to my highest good.
As Above,
So Below
So Within,
As Without
It is Done!