Busy-ness is a State of Amnesia - Finding Your DORY
Busy-ness is a State of Amnesia
Finding Your DORY
Balance-Equilibrium & Inner Peace -Through the Alchemy of Conscious Rage
A Guided Meditation & Visualisation Journey to ride the energy of the Solar Eclipse -Balance-Equilibrium & Inner Peace -
Through the Alchemy of Conscious Rage
Womb & Hara Healing -Mother and Earth Healing
Video explaining the healing energy focused in our Wombs and Hara (men)
Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom -Diving Deep Through The Illusions of Fear
Dive Deep through the Illusions of fear, travelling with the essence, flow and wisdom of water, activating our Cerebral Spinal Fluid -our sacred juice!
"She's a 5 Pinter!"
Her worthiness was graded by how “shaggable” she was – that for her to be “graced” by that man to fuck her, he would have to be intoxicated to do so!
Boundaries and Discernment - Truth & Exposure
What you are being exposed to and what is your inner truth? An energy update on how the collective energy may be affecting you individually physically emotionally and mentally -
Power to the People
It is when people, the collective of individuals believe they have no choice through centuries of programmes fear and domination, they disempower themselves, giving away their sovereignty, their inner power to others and systems that “police us”.
Mental Detox - Balance - Restore
"You Are Breaking Free not Breaking Down" This meditation supports you to connect to the beliefs system and patterns held within your subconscious mind and unconscious body and to release through conscious breathing and creating neural plasticity of change and choice.
The Martyr-Victim - Perpetrator Triangle
Seeing how deep belief systems and conditioning has us held in disempowerment and to how to liberate the cyclic patterns
The Energy of Grief
Processing the energy and emotion of Grief
Money-Power-Sex-Control - Reclaiming and Embodying Your Power - Your Worth - Your Joy
Deconstructing the deeply engrained belief systems of money-power-sex and control. A deep vulnerable share of how I began to free myself from old patterns that have blocked me claiming and embodying my inner power and joy.
Processing Betrayal
Processing the energy and the e-motion of Betrayal as we transition
Energetic Detox - Clearing Old Stories - Past Lives to be Free
This guided meditation promotes an inner calm, to release from old stories, patterns and belief systems from this lifetime and our energetic Soul incarnations.
Relationships are a Gift of Healing to Self
Everything is our perspective, depending on our experiences and trauma, patterns, beliefs, emotions…
We have so much to learn from these wonderful creatures that are intrinsic for ours and the planets health as one!