Relationships are a Gift of Healing to Self
Everything is our perspective, depending on our experiences and trauma, patterns, beliefs, emotions, how we perceive ourselves, the narrative we tell ourselves and our deep sense of self-worth all affects how we see, experience and navigate life and our relationships.
If our truth is ultimately our perspective and our perspective can change depending on how we perceive things, what is our truth?
Be mindful of your thoughts and actions, are they of love or of fear? So often we are sucked into the vortex of fear without conscious thought and awareness.
The Miracle is the Shift of Perspective
Heart-Mind coherence creates a space for us to objectively observe ourselves and others without the overwhelm of emotion. In time we come to a space of acceptance, without the cords of disappointment, hurt and betrayal.
When people do not act in our desired way or behaviour, we can become angry, hurt, disappointed, a sense of rejection, we may be unable to forgive, accept nor let go thus becoming emotionally and energetically attached to these people and emotions, draining our energy, becoming disconnected and disempowered, which is detrimental to our health and wellbeing.
We do not wish to forgive as it still connects viscerally in out gut to a hurt and action we do not feel is acceptable, we feel wronged even betrayed.
“The fuel to our Inner Anger is our Self Love Rising wanting to be heard, felt and expressed, a transmutation of fear to Love”
However we always have a choice as to how we perceive things and how we act.
We can come to a space of objective awareness of self to understand others behaviours and reactions are not actually our truth, it is a brambled entwinement of old patterns, beliefs and emotions of theirs and ours.
Seeking the higher perspective without the pained and triggered emotional response we create a space of acceptance of behaviours that are not acceptable. We come to a place in our hearts and minds of acceptance that those that we feel have not acted in kindness nor compassion towards us or others is actually our learning and theirs, however you are choosing to heal, to grow, to break the cycle and pattern, to have the humility to know that it isn’t about being right, yet intentionally choosing to do the right thing.
To accept that what you are seeking from them is actually what we need to gift to ourselves instead as only we can make us whole. Healing and wholeness is an internal growth, a gathering of all our fragments of self we have left behind, denied, had taken by or felt disempowered by others and thus become disconnected from.
Relationships are like mirrors for us to see what we need to offer ourselves, it is a gift of healing
When we recognise it is not about our own self-worth, that we are worthy of love, joy and peace, and offer the fragments of self back to ourselves, we come to a space of acceptance, quite possibly of the “unacceptable”.
We do not accept the unacceptable as allowable behaviour, yet we maintain our own inner peace through self compassion and acceptance of others on their own journey.
In this gift to ourselves we become more fully embodied in love and acceptance of self, an unequivocal power and strength expanding and supporting our newly created healthy boundaries.
We release ourselves from the vortex and cords that restrict our hearts in fear of hurt, letting go of emotions, beliefs and patterns and the attachments to these relationships, creating an open receiving space for more loving, joyful and respectful relationships.
We set ourselves free to experience more joy and love as we heal our wounds through gifts of self-love, acceptance and integrity, becoming a higher lighter frequency attracting the same as energy attracts energy.
If you are being challenged and feel disrespected, unheard, undervalued, then respect, listen and value yourself first, seek an understanding as to why you are being triggered, where do you need to heal?
Release the heavy burdening emotions with acceptance, create a space to fill with everything you feel you are not receiving – allow a softening in your heart to receive rather than restrict and block. As we love, accept and respect ourselves more this is what we receive; we do not need to prove our self-worth to anyone, only accept in ourselves.
This becomes Your Truth- Your Power - Your Light- Your Magic
#Open Our Hearts
I release and I am free from all that no longer serves me joy nor purpose...
It is Done
Processing Betrayal - article and video
Energetic Clearance- Detox of Old Stories - guided meditation and visualisation journey
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
Module 2 of the course is about the Heart - Our Relationships, with ourselves and others - it dives deep into our old belief systems and stories we have been telling ourselves subconsciously and unconsciously, to become conscious of and choose what we desire and allowing ourselves to receive such.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”