Busy-ness is a State of Amnesia - Finding Your DORY
Finding Your D.O.R.Y. Desires - Originality -Rhapsody - Yoga
Are you constantly in a state of busyness, going about you business in a state of Amnesia?
Do you every ask WHY?, why am I doing this - do you ever give yourself SPACE and TIME to BREATHE, to break the pattern and cycle that leads to burn out, resentment and a fatigue of life?
Want to bring a meaning, a fulfillment and energy of life to your daily life?
Wish to find you DORY?
Desires -
What lights you up, your joy and pleasure
Originality -
Your USP your Unique Soul Purpose - your inner fulfillment
Rhapsody -
Ecstatic expression of feeling- a deep sense of bliss and meaning to life, seeing the beauty around and within you
Yoga -
A sacred union of individual consciousness - inner peace as you bring harmony and coherence to Mind Body Heart and Soul - a deep sense of trust and connection
LOVE2Heal online course- Find Your Purpose - Your Joy - Your Inner Sovereignty
The course is designed to connect your Mind-Body-Heart & Soul, to bring a deeper alignment and coherence to self, to embody a greater sense of self-love and acceptance - and to start changing old un-serving patterns of thoughts and behaviours that no longer serve you joy or purpose, creating new neural pathways - your neural plasticity to how you choose to feel, be and step up and out into this World. - To look at your relationships - with people and with money - to open up to receive, addressing self-worth issues to experience more love and joy.
I can’t help but feel we individually and collectively are all in a frozen state of being - our freeze flight and fight mode- we are stuck in a patterning and conditioning to be busy, the constant state of doing rather than being.
Have we forgotten how to live?
Have we become so enslaved to money - a survival patterning of scarcity where we deny ourselves joy and pleasure, that somehow we are not worthy of nor have time for, as we repeat the spins on the hamster wheel… “the just keep going-just keep going”, yet have forgotten why the fuck we are doing it all in the first place? - the mirage of happiness
With the deep subconsciousness patterning that has us believe it is the only way… well I can share with you it doesn’t work anymore and never truly has - as the energetic tables are turning - as we are being given a Devine Intervention- an energetic nudge to claim back our sovereignty, our inner power, our self-worth, our inner gold, to live a life where joy becomes our currency.
I have lived my life with a way of being what feels like “whack-a-mole” at the game fair - getting to the next job - the next achievement without really giving myself time and space to appreciate my achievements, my growth, my be-ing-ness from being present in my body - fuelled by the fear of not being enough!
I have come to a point of realisation that this isn’t the way anymore, even though I knew it, I wasn’t embodying it, my subconscious fear with money was still the main driver to push-drive-push -it’s exhausting! So my new memo to self is to Dive into Pleasure and see how that plays out, because quite frankly the old way is no longer serving nor working, so what have I got to lose - nothing, yet plenty to gain!
Our subconscious plays out for 99.9% of our thoughts and actions, what are your gradients of your subconscious, is it love or fear, is it joy or burnout?
To wake up from this amnesia that has us in a perpetual motion, for when we are in this survival mode, our heads are down, running in a direction we think we should be going in, yet not really knowing why!
Yet when we pause, likened to that moment in The Matrix where everything slooows down and all of a sudden everything becomes so much clearer, seeing things that have always been there, yet you hadn’t truly seen it, noticed nor acknowledged - you begin to see the higher perspective.
“Your Choice is Your Power -
Your Awareness is Your Superpower”
Joy is Your Currency -Claim It
This dear Souls is the awakening and activation of your third eye -
The breaking of the amniotic fluid around us, the pineal gland coming into its own, as we break the subconscious patterning, to become conscious that we have choices, always have,
Yet fear had us believe we didn’t -
And when our mind is in coherence with our heart,
We are able to make conscious choices that are for our highest good, our joy, our Spirit, our Soul
Activating Your Soul Purpose - Finding yourself question it all, yet not sure which other path to take? I invite you to listen to the Guided Meditation and Visualisation Journey
LOVE2Heal Course - Want to dive deeper to find you DORY? - enrol onto the 21-day self transformation container
Money Power Sex Control - an article that dives into the deep subconscious and patterning of money, power, sex and control