Balance-Equilibrium & Inner Peace -Through the Alchemy of Conscious Rage
Wow...what a meditation and guided visualisation journey, if I do say so myself! -
Recorded on the eve of the Solar Eclipse, it shows us the essence of what is to come, to hold our own counsel - to be the eye of the storm as we trust the process, the breaking down to break free.
A meditation of paradox - to activate your inner rage and anger to find your inner peace. Burning away the old debris, belief systems and patterns, with ease and grace, that hold us in a state of fear, illusion and separation to self, to the Earth, to others and the Universe!
To bring closure to old un-serving ways, and laying the foundations of equilibrium and balance within your body and nervous system - Heart- Mind- Soul & Spirit.
To be at PEACE and as ONE
I take you on a journey into your body, to feel safe, supported and grounded, to sink deeper into embodiment as we gently fall into the sanctuary of the feminine (both male and female), healing layers of stress and trauma and abuse, either through your own experiences, and your epigenetics through your mother lineage, the feminine and matriarchal line, that lay within your unconscious body and subconscious mind.
The feminine within all, holds rage of the abuse and misuse of power by the masculine, man, the patriarchal systems that has misplaced its strength to suppress, abuse and disempower the female, the feminine.
The false conditioned version of the masculine (the shadow of in fear), abused its place of strength rather than honouring the feminine, of compassion and protection of the less strong, from children, women to our animals and our Earth.
For us to find our balance, we need to heal both the masculine and the feminine wounds, for the true masculine energy of the protector to stand strong in discernment and health boundaries, to allow the feminine to rise up and embody this space.
The meditation took us on a journey to release our old debris, that suffocates and suppresses us individually and collectively, to claim back our sovereignty as we breathe and create a healthy space for us to fully embody.
Deep focus was to heal our skeletal system, to allow our bones to breathe, the keepers of our DNA, to bring integrity and space to permit our flow, life force, the feminine energy, our Shakti, the Shekinah, the Sophia energy - the feminine God.
To ultimately hold a greater and deeper sense of connection, embodiment, trust and thus inner peace into our core of being. Enjoy the journey
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