Balance-Equilibrium & Inner Peace -Through the Alchemy of Conscious Rage
A Guided Meditation & Visualisation Journey to ride the energy of the Solar Eclipse -Balance-Equilibrium & Inner Peace -
Through the Alchemy of Conscious Rage
"She's a 5 Pinter!" - Diving deeper
The Pure Essence of the Masculine & Feminine in Harmony - The male takes the role as the protector of the body for its gift of the physical strength and the female to be the protector and conserver of the heart for both.
Power to the People
It is when people, the collective of individuals believe they have no choice through centuries of programmes fear and domination, they disempower themselves, giving away their sovereignty, their inner power to others and systems that “police us”.
I Release The Rage - Guided Meditation
Healing the Feminine Lineage for Greater Joy & Abundance
A guided meditation to release suppressed unconscious rage, anger, heat and inflammation in our mind and bodies - safely and consciously.