Re-aligning to Your Innate Wisdom-Gifts and Flow
A Pyjama Revolution Guided Meditation & Visualisation Journey - Re-aligning to Your Innate Wisdom
Balance-Equilibrium & Inner Peace -Through the Alchemy of Conscious Rage
A Guided Meditation & Visualisation Journey to ride the energy of the Solar Eclipse -Balance-Equilibrium & Inner Peace -
Through the Alchemy of Conscious Rage
Womb & Hara Healing -Mother and Earth Healing
Video explaining the healing energy focused in our Wombs and Hara (men)
Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom -Diving Deep Through The Illusions of Fear
Dive Deep through the Illusions of fear, travelling with the essence, flow and wisdom of water, activating our Cerebral Spinal Fluid -our sacred juice!
Breaking Free from the Cyclic Victim-Perpetrator- Martyr Pattern
A guided meditation and a talk to be fully emerged within the energetics that are presenting to us individually and collectively - the cyclic pattern of Victim-Perpetrator and how to break free to find Inner & World Peace.
I Release The Rage - Guided Meditation
Healing the Feminine Lineage for Greater Joy & Abundance
A guided meditation to release suppressed unconscious rage, anger, heat and inflammation in our mind and bodies - safely and consciously.
Energetic Detox - Clearing Old Stories - Past Lives to be Free
This guided meditation promotes an inner calm, to release from old stories, patterns and belief systems from this lifetime and our energetic Soul incarnations.