Feminine to the Masculine
Feminine to the Masculine
You cannot take from me what I choose not to give to you!
That is my power - my sovereignty
Only do I offer you to bathe in my power and liquid nectar light- is when I choose - when you are worthy - when you are equal.
Thus I trust and surrender to you, however before such, you trust and surrender to me.
You honour and protect me, until then I am unsafe and withhold this sacred power within me.
You may physically attempt to force me to surrender- yet you will never gain - your force will only deepen the cavern to your heart your Soul - the nectar you so desire.
You may penetrate me hard - you may attempt to strip me of my dignity - yet you will never access what you crave - an unrequited thirst.
For the Gateway is of discerning unconditional love.
I am the Keeper of this sacred nectar-and I will burn all that is not love nor pure.
Are you prepared to have all that you believe you are burned away - to only have your pure self naked, vulnerable and seen?
For I see you - yet you must be prepared to be seen.
To work through your fears and vulnerability- a space I hold for you should you choose to navigate the gauntlet with my light guiding you the way.
What will it be my dear Horus?
Words channelled 1.08.2024
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