The Health of Your Pineal Gland
Signs of imbalance of the Pineal Gland – Melatonin and Serotonergic Dysfunction
If you have read my LOVE2Heal book - you would know how vitally important the health of our tiny bean of a pineal gland, deep inside our mind, is fundamental to our health and wellbeing.
In this article, I expand on this, and look into what will be effecting the health of this endocrine gland, that is the control centre alongside the Pituitary Gland for all that we are; from our hormones to energy levels, and from cellular repair to mental health.
Alarmingly, the herbicide glyphosate depending on the country as to where the food is grown, is sprayed on many crops unless termed organic. Glyphosate has shown that it actually inhibits the Shikimate Pathway, which is the synthesis of the fundamental essential amino acid, tryptophan as well phenylalanine and tyrosine.
Phenylalanine is a precursor for tyrosine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), epinephrine (adrenaline), and the skin pigment melanin; the monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine, which plays a role in many important body functions, including movement, memory, pleasurable reward and motivation.
We can understand that if we are not taking the required key essential amino acids in our diet to naturally produce our happy hormones, including serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin we look to fill the gap with external stimuli, which can form addictive behaviours.
It poses the question, is glyphosate and other herbicides, the reasoning behind increased anxiety, depression, our mental health and addictions, neural diversity in our children, chronic illnesses and disease, worsening in each generation?
From reviewing the key roles of serotonin, any illness and disease mentally and physically; and symptoms of pain, perimenopause and menopause, through to neural diversity in ourselves and our children can be linked to our serotonin levels.
Studies have shown that childhood trauma, adverse childhood experiences (ACE) has lasting impacts on dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain networks, supporting executive function. and that decreasing serotonin and tryptophan levels may exacerbate these effects.
One of these studies included menopausal women, highlighting any trauma experienced from a young age will exaggerate cognitive dysfunction a common symptom of perimenopause and menopause.
The pineal gland through release of melatonin and 5-Methoxtryptophol are antigonadtrophic, which means they regulate the growth hormones through suppression, which are released by the Pituitary Gland, namely the Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and Luteinising hormone (LH).
Studies have shown that…Approximately 80% of diagnosed cases are hormone-dependent breast cancers. These hormones are known to stimulate tumour development and progression. In this setting, tentative evidence suggests that luteinizing hormone (LH) may also play a role in tumours...
With this data, we may well come to an educated conclusion, that due to the suppression of the synthesis of melatonin from depletion of serotonin and tryptophan from our diet and environment, may well be a cause for hormone related cancers!
Not only does glyphosate block the uptake of key essential amino acids, it disrupts the balance of gut microbiome, increasing the ratio of pathogenic bacteria to other commensal microbes, that are vital to our methylation cycle, metabolism and immune system.
Studies have shown that it also chelates (compounds with) aluminium, allowing ingested aluminium to bypass the gut barrier, which leads to anaemia-induced hypoxia,* (a reduction in the blood cells ability to absorb oxygen). Increasing oxidative stress/free radicals, promoting neurotoxicity and damaging the pineal gland. Both glyphosate and aluminium disrupt cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in melatonin metabolism.
*Anemic hypoxia occurs when the oxygen carrying ability of the blood decreases, and thus, this defect is specifically associated with the blood. This implies that fewer haemoglobin molecules (or oxygen-binding sites) are available for binding oxygen.
Increasing free-radical and oxidative stress. a condition that occurs when the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) exceeds the body's ability to neutralize them. ROS can damage proteins, lipids, and DNA, which can lead to cell and tissue damage.
As it binds with metals such as aluminium, is Glyphosate enabling Aluminum to enter the brain, the extracellular fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid; accumulation of aluminium in the brain has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD).
Link to study reference Aluminium Science Direct
Is Fluoride reducing the efficiency of the Pineal Gland?
Another consideration for the health of our pineal gland, thus our whole health and wellbeing, is the debated effects of what Fluoride Phosphorus has on it, from oral consumption as dental hygiene; being added to drinking water supplies; directly from our food through non-organic food production as fertilisers. As once in our soil, it filters into our natural water supply, streams, rivers and oceans, infiltrating the whole Earth, through the hydrologic (water) cycle.
Fluoride is the inorganic anion of Fluorine and binds with other inorganic compounds called bi-fluorides, such as calcium fluoride, sodium fluoride, aluminium fluoride, potassium fluoride and magnesium fluoride, these are also known to form with metals.
Fluorine is an unstable gas that is emitted during the production of industrial fertilisation, in the 1950’s & 60’s it was the cause for crops being destroyed and animals being in significant pain to eventual death, it is unclear on how this affected humans.
Due to environmental regulatory requirements, the emission of fluorine into the atmosphere monitored which brought in the “scrubbing” processes to reduce the release of fluorine into the atmosphere. Still today the industry emits major air pollutants such as particulate matter, gaseous NH3, oxides of nitrogen, sulphur and carbon dioxide, the chemicals sulphuric or nitric acid are acidic components that are responsible for acid rain.
The by-products of this filtering “scrubbing” process are Silicofluorides, some of these chemicals are actually then added to water supplies for the unproven, controversial and questionable benefits for our dental health!
Before the petroleum industrialisation, fertilisers were organic and stable, a compound of animal bones and manure, decomposed plants and stock rotation enabling the plants to better resist environmental stresses, like droughts and pathogens.
Studies have shown that the only benefit of fluoride for dental health is from direct application to the tooth; and that being in the water holds no benefit, yet many doubts to our health. It is known that too much fluoride, an equivalent of two small pea-sized amounts of toothpaste, is too much for a child and actually can cause dental fluorosis, discolouration and cavities in the tooth!
Phosphorus is a mineral that's naturally present in our bones, teeth and even our DNA! It works with calcium to create, the main structural component of bones and tooth enamel . Hydroxyapatite (HA) is found within our bones, teeth and the pinealocytes of the pineal gland; it is a naturally occurring mineral form of calcium apatite, and is an essential element required for bone regeneration.
Fluoride overrides the natural process and binds to hydroxyapatite, fluoride ions (F–) replace hydroxyl groups (OH–) in hydroxyapatite to form fluorapatite in the tooth enamel. As the pineal gland is outside of the blood brain barrier and has direct contact with our blood supply, like the enamel of the tooth, it most likely will block the pineal gland too.
Creating a hardened barrier, depleting its functionality and ability to synthesise melatonin and serotonin, reducing its connection to the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, which is the life-serving communication of the neuroendocrine system. The Pineal Gland through calcification, increases in size and impresses upon the thalamus that it sits within, affecting mood swings, weight gain, temperature control deregulation , one word springs to mind.. Menopause!
Calcium and phosphorus metabolism is regulated by melatonin (anti-ageing) and reduces menopause osteoporosis.
It may also be why puberty in young girls is increasingly becoming earlier, due the deregulation of the pineal gland and thus its regulation of the growth hormones.
The “calcified” pineal gland is more common as we age and is regularly used as navigational point for neuroscientists and brain surgery. Why isn’t the calcification of this fundamental neuroendocrine gland being questioned by all medical and health professionals?!
If you think of calcification a shield around the pineal gland it’s disenabling and clouding our ability to see from a balanced, broader and higher perspective. It blocks us to see within, to connect and induce its capability of conduction of piezoelectricity. Its role as the transmitter and receiver to the universal field, our inner magick becomes dulled.
Not only does this affect the whole balance and homeostasis of our health mind and body, it dulls our connection to our soul, our higher self, our purpose. When we live without purpose we feel empty and joyless! Is this a fundamental link to the increasing mental health and addiction issues we are seeing across the globe?
For when our serotonin and natural dopamine levels are reduced/suppressed, we seek external stimuli, such as scrolling and speed frame videos and games that stimulate REM (Rapid Eye Movement), which releases dopamine in spikes. Gambling for that buzz, and processed food which combine sugar, salt and fat.
Dopamine and Serotonin have a relationship, and dopamine supresses serotonin, thus we become in a negative loop - low serotonin, external dopamine addictions, further reduced serotonin, which continues and hooks us in this behavioual pattern.
Reduced Serotonin means reduced Melatonin - our natural anti-oxidant and our neuroendocrine regulator - creating hormone imbalance and dis-regulation, and suppression of our natural ability to heal.
Melatonin is found in every cell and communicates with the mitochondria, the powerhouse of every cell - if melatonin is low and in a form of dis-coherence, the cells begin to lose a vital communication system that ensures each cells is connected and healing. Cancer is an anaerobic disease, hence when the cell has been cut off from this vital supply and communication.
Follow the money…
Following the trail of fluoride, it leads us to the oil industry. As one of the by-products of oil refining is petroleum coke, also known as 'coke' or 'petcoke'. With over 80% carbon, petroleum coke is essential to manufacturing fertilizer, where it undergoes a gasification process to create ammonia and urea ammonium nitrate, this is then used to create nitrogen fertilizers!
Are we simply following a convenient path of by-products of the oil industry to be resold into other industries, rather than the expense of safely reintegrating back into the Earth? Instead they are sold on to make up our food chain, infiltrate and destabilise our soil and water, produce plastics of which are foods are packaged, all the way to household chemicals, hygiene, personal care and cosmetic products, with highly questionable concerns if not proven to have a detrimental effect on our health!
Supporting The Pineal Gland Health
Adaptogens from herbs and plant foods, such as mushrooms, ashwaganda and rhodiola for example, support the synthesis of serotonin. They support the adrenals in their ability to adapt and not become overwhelmed and anxious, through inhibiting cortisol production.
The Sun and warmth of skin increases serotonin production – spend at least an hour a day outside in nature if possible.
Increase levels of serotonin by taking a probiotic with 30 billion or 100 billion CFUs, and eating plenty of tryptophan-rich food, such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
Reduce blue light and increase red light exposure; Mitochondria are negatively affected by blue light to cause cell death.
Red light enhances mitochondrial function to benefit cell survival. The theory is that red light wavelengths stimulate the production of melatonin and blue light from phones and computers suppresses melatonin production. Retinal diseases attenuated when blue is decreased and red light is increased.
Question the reasons behind fluoride as your dental care, check whether fluoride is added to your water supply and how it is regulated.
Binders such as humic or fulvic acid and chlorella bind to glyphosate in the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) and help remove it. Chlorella is a microorganism derived from algae , the antioxidants and other nutrients in chlorella have shown anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-tumor properties. In clinical studies, chlorella increased white blood cell levels, which can stimulate your immune system and help fight infection.
Balanced healthy diet including as many organic fruit and vegetables, especially those high in Magnesium, such a cruciferous greens support the methylation cycle – key metabolism functions such as absorption and detoxification
Please note – With any supplements, consult with your doctor, especially if you are on any medication, to ensure there are no contraindications.
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”