What if I told you?
Catalystic events to break humanity free and return to Self Sovereignty and raise our frequency.

Our Soul-Body-Spirit as One - with Ann Redfearn
Our Kidneys hold our true essence, potential and karma

Inner Sovereignty- How the Planets are Aligning for us to Remember and Reclaim
How the planets are aligning for us to awaken and reclaim our sovereignty

Diving Deep to Our Conscious Emotional Intelligence
How we raise the bar as humanity through conscious Emotional Intelligence- EI

Toxic Masculinity - Devine Masculine Healing

Power to the People
“A state may be ruled by measures of correction; weapons of war may be used with craft dexterity; but the kingdom is made one’s own only by freedom from action and purpose.”
Dr Audrey Tang - The Wellbeing Lounge - Gemma as Guest Speaker
Gemma speaks about how the growing disconnect with our bodies can result in ill health and gives us her tools for being able to better sit with ourselves to get in tune with what we really need. She speaks about authenticity and how being driven by our ego can thwart both happiness and true success.

Revolution 4 Evolution
The energy jigsaw puzzle pieces to give an idea as to what is to come in 2024, and how I see it effecting us physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. - individually and collectively - and how we best navigate with greater awareness and consciousness.