What if I told you?
Heart Consciousness Grounding for Ascension Embodiment - 23rd March 20:30pm GMT - register here
What if I told you that all of the confusion and chaos that you are being witness to, is actually part of the process and greater plan, a plan beyond the ego of man?
What if I told you that this chaos was actually meant to be happening for the greater good for all?
What if I told you that this chaos and destruction was a dynamic force of renewal to establish the foundations of self sovereignty?
What if i told you that this destruction was the unearthing of all that no longer served humanity, the unearthing of humanity’s shadows, of greed, corruption and the misuse of money and power that has reigned for millenniums, rendering the common collective of individuals as victims, and the belief of being powerless?
What if i told you that this unearthing was being driven by the purest force, or pure consciousness in complete Divine Timing?
What if I told you that these key figures of greed and corruption are subconsciously there as “actors” on the stage of humanity, to show the collective with full lighting, curtains drawn back and stage raised - no shadows unseen. Light-Camera-Action!?
What if i told you that they are in a subconscious role play, acting the roles of the perpetrator in the victim karmic cycle for all to be seen and witnessed, even if leaving one rendered in shock and disbelief, like you are actually watching some far fetched crazy movie!
What if I told you that their role is to trigger your victim energy within, that has you believe the story that you are helpless and hopeless - leaving you to believe that you cannot do anything about it, because “what can you do about it right?” Money is power and money rules...really?
What if I told you this was a socially conditioned belief system (aka BS), that has been used for thousands of years to suppress and control the masses, and you have inherited it deep in your subconscious mind and unconscious body, in your blood, bones, nervous system and DNA?
What if I told you that fear and separation is actually the greatest lie and illusion humanity has believed and fed for thousands of years?
What if I told you that the Punch and Judy show of evil was being unearthed, the blatant hate, ego and separation with a baton, yet also the shadows that lurk pulling the strings?
What if I told you that actually the fight was between the two for the role of supremacy, to be witnessed? That their blinkered ego for control and power is revealing and bringing light to each others shadows!
What if I told you that it was NOT a matter of choosing which side to take, the lesser of the two evils to calm our nervous systems and feel safe again - yet selling our sovereignty to have this perceived “safety”.
What if I told you that this chaos of untruths lies and deceit was meant to be so blatant, that you could not deny it exists, that you cannot go on in life pretending it wasn’t there, to have a “simple” life, “I just want to get on with my life!”
What if I told you it was for you to take action - to wake up - to claim back your power and Sovereignty - to kick the ass of victim hood out of the park?
What if I told you that all of this confusion and white noise of blame, of separation, which side to believe, was actually there to take you into your heart consciousness?
What if I told you that it was to direct you to connect to a powerful force within you, an innate wisdom that has always been there, yet you have been conditioned not to trust it?
What if I told you that your heart is a brain and has a greater frequency of 5000 times of your mind, and it has the ability for you to discern what your truth is, beyond the confused mind, the heart filters the untruths and returns you to your purest essence power and truth?!
What if I told you, that everything you need to know is already within you, and that it is a matter of remembering, bringing these forgotten parts of self back into the light and your consciousness?
What if I told you that this chaos and dynamic energy is to break you free from the illusions of fear, separation and disempowerment, and for you to remember the power that you are, and always have been?
What if I told you that these seismic shifts are the Earth and consciousness rising to dismantle all infrastructures, governance, religion, patterns of war, of victim-perpetrator and suppression, which have been manipulated to control- It is a catalyst to break humanity free from all that no longer serves the greater good?
What if I told you that Universal energies, planetary alignment, solar flares, tectonic plates are part of a Divine Great Reset for humanity - a Revolution for Evolution - to remember we are all one of sovereign beings - to no longer be slaves to existence?
What if I told you that it had to be this hard, to take us to the edges of fear, to become conscious and awaken a burning passion and desire for equality, justice, unity and peace?
What if I told you, that once you moved through the shock, “freeze mode” you begin to feel an uprising of rage, as the seal of tolerance for injustice and suppression has broken and is no longer a negotiation tool for your sovereignty?
What if I told you that you could harness this rage consciously, through expansion of your heart to alchemise the fear back to love - to use this power not to fight in fear, yet to claim back your worth with the unequivocal power and strength of unconditional love?
What if i told you that the existence of such shadows can only exist if the collective believes it does - that it can only exist if the collective allows it to - by feeding it our fear?
What if I told you that you could change it through how you observe and perceive it - for an atom, a photon can only exist if there is an observer, that the observer can manipulate an atom’s behaviour through thought and attention, and starving its fuel that is fear - the energy in motion that feeds and keeps it alive!
What if I told you that this awakening of heart consciousness is global, it is the Earth shifting to a higher frequency - out of the matrix of fear and into a higher state of being, breaking free from the low vibrational plaque of humanity?
What if I told you that a collective of heart consciousness individuals are seeing the untruths and laying new foundations for humanity to ascend to?
What if I told you we individually and collectively are purging our systems, our nervous system and blood, to recognise the toxicity, physically, emotionally and mentally - showing up as health issues for us to become ambassadors for our planetary health, for our water, soil and air - to remember we are Nature - we are not separate, and it has been the belief that we are, which has allowed the Earth to be raped and abused in mass consumerism and greed?!
What if I told you that our ill health is to awaken us to our Sovereignty, of self sustainability once again? A power that has been sold away for convenience, a system created to promote dependency and thus control!
What if i told you that your TRUTH was LOVE-JOY and PEACE, and is your Sovereignty - of which you were born with?
What if I told you that all that you perceive around you as chaos, is to navigate you back into the eye of the storm, for your nervous system to become the calm, the quiet, the observer, yet grounded and allowing this dynamic force to clear the paths, the un-serving fear-based infrastructures uprooting, for you to feel your truth, your peace, as you breathe through the constraints of fear and deepen your connection to Earth through heart consciousness?
What if I told you that you can find your true safety, your true support as you open the energy torus field of your heart and ground it into Earth, allowing the old and un-serving to fall away - to deepen your roots beyond the superficial man-made constructs of safety and recalibrate your nervous system to this pure unconditional love that is Mother Earth, your purest truth?
What would you do?
I shall be hosting a guided meditation and visualisation journey where I shall channel the energies present, to expand and ground our heart chakra and heart consciousness into the new matrix and infrastructure that shall support and catalyse a higher frequency on Mother Earth and Ocean.
I was shown an image most similar to the image above, which AI has created for me, nowhere near as beautiful, however you get the idea! A truncated icosahedron, a sphere made up of pentagons and hexagons (a football!), which encompassed and connected my heart to an infrastructure that ran throughout and around the Earth, nothing was separate! This infrastructure was being fuelled by light of the Divine Masculine and Universal energies as it descended through me and into the Earth, as the Feminine received in sacred union it activated the Masculine on Earth, to hold with integrity.
It was of Emerald Green that held and formed the infrastructure, diamond strength, with coral pink light within - these colours represent the heart chakra that has rooted to the Earth Chakra, of which we all have one - which holds our blueprint, our health, our purpose, our true presence and gifts.
If you desire to make a difference, to create greater peace, abundance and equality, then this is for you, even if you do not realise your power right now… you will!
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Audio Version of Article
Power to the People - an article in how to Navigate the Chaos – The Hype – The Fear – The Reach of Control -The Breaking Down to Break Free
The Victim-Martyr-Perpetrator Karmic Cycle -an article of what lays deep within us - the final layer to break free from to embody our inner power and Sovereignty
Revolution 4 Evolution - An energy update in 2024, however, still very relevant.
I Release the Rage - an article of processing deep inner rage
I Release the Rage - Guided Meditation and Visualisation Journey
Womb Healing - Guided Meditation and Visualisation Journey
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
Catalystic events to break humanity free and return to Self Sovereignty and raise our frequency.