Toxic Masculinity - Devine Masculine Healing
A Gemma's Gems Wellness Wednesday (well this one was a Tuesday!), where I share what is happening energetically right now and how this may be representing, physically, emotionally and mentally, within ourselves and our health and wellbeing, our relationships and our outer relationship in the world and how we perceive it.
There are fundamental changes occurring individually and collectively as humanity, as the illusion of fear and separation is being called to be seen and healed -
If you are feeling you are "breaking down" and seek an SOS, to know that you are safe and to allow this process of healing to be navigated with more conscious awareness -
If you are already on this path of healing, yet wish to be held, rather than doing it on your own all the time, to have a compassionate space held for you to see the shadows that we don't always see for ourselves. to navigate with a deeper sense of ease and grace -
I invite you to join…
Navigating the Unconscious Shadows with Conscious Awareness -2 month container
A 2 month safe container to explore our shadows and belief systems (AKA BS!) that we hold within our subconscious mind and our unconscious body, in our blood, bones and epigenome.
I am getting a sense that there will be whirlwind soon, calling for us to centre, ground and break free from fear and the old controlling patriarchal systems, the toxic masculinity, that holds the collective of individuals under the illusion of fear and separation, the cycle of victim-martyr-perpetrator.
Thus to break this karmic cyclic pattern, we must break within ourselves first - to call out our beliefs on money, power, sex and control in a non-judgemental and compassionate way.
To uproot shame and guilt that lays within, which hold us mute and small -which blocks our truth and expression of.
I, Gemma, will be regularly connecting to key planetary and moon alignments that are there to hold an energetic vibration to become aware of and alchemise, through awareness and conscious choices to break the pattern and energy that holds us in the negative cycle.
As I do, I will hold live channelled guided meditations and visualisation journeys, to create neural plasticity - new thought forms that align to what you desire, to feel, see and be!
You will have a lifetime access to the LOVE2Heal self empowerment online course - a self care-awareness tool kit
You will get a years access to The Infinity Health Hub full membership, were you will be able to access recordings of the live meditations and the last four years content of self empowerment and awareness
A safe group via Telegram to ensure you are up-to-date with the lives, yet most importantly to share you aha moments, to feel safe to call out the BS in our heads, and to know you are not alone.
Imagine that sense of deep trust within your body, even when things may feel chaotic of the outside world and around you, even within your own mind - yet you have this deeper connection to self, an innate wisdom that is stronger than the fear trained mind and the voices that bring you down and keep you small- An embodiment where you become an observer and see from a higher perspective, from such you behold the inner power to break free from the negative, demoralising patterns, that may manifest as frustration, anger, disappointment and dissonance.
You become the pattern breaker and maker of you own path. To behold a deep sense of trust as your heart, body, mind are in coherence, aligning to what feels true to you, your Soul and purpose, yet you are not sure how, you can’t quite see the future, however you can feel it and you know it is right!
How does that feel - scary, curious, excited? - all of which is totally normal!
Starting 6th October - with the first live guided meditation.
If this is a YES to you, even though you might not know why, please click on either link below, to start this journey of curiosity and courage.
The 2 month container is £333, which includes the LOVE2Heal course (£77) and the years full memberships of The Infinity Health Hub (£111) - you can either pay in full, or three payments of £111, please see the links below-
What is most interesting, is that I shared this podcast on FB, one with just the link to the podcast, and the second with the following content and the link- the second post got banned within a few minutes, for not meeting “community standards”!
"I do not align with toxic masculinity
I do NOT align to War
I am WORTHY of Peace
I AM Peace
I am an intricate part of the movement of EMPOWERMENT of HUMANITY and I start with me!
I Break the pattern and the ILLUSION of FEAR & SEPARATION
I am not fed, nor do I feed the FEAR"
#nowar #humility #one #selfempowerment #victimenergy #martyrenergy #perpetratorenergy #breakingthecycle #patternbreaker #subconsciousreprogramming #revolution4evolution
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
I Release the Rage - article
I Release the Rage - Guided Meditation and Visualisation Journey
Victim-Martyr-Perpetrator Cycle - article
Our Kidneys hold our true essence, potential and karma