Igniting Your Inner Pussy Power - Spring Equinox
£44 - Tickets are limited to 11 -
Claim your place and space now.
or connect with me directly by email
Dear Women
Are you ready to connect to your Pussy Power - to claim and embody Your Pleasure - Your Worth and to speak of your Desires?
Do you wish/choose-
To reconnect with yourself your body and your inner wisdom?
To embrace self-love self-acceptance and self-compassion on a profound level?
To release old patterns that have you martyring your energy - leaving you feeling stressed overwhelmed and exhausted
To seek healthier boundaries -to express what serves you
Join myself and Sara-Louise (Sound Healing Therapist) for three hours of a deep healing and transformative session of renewal and empowerment to understand your body and how it is trying to communicate and reconnect with you through the language of pain and dis-ease.
This is your chance to embark on a transformation journey to connect you to your Sovereignty and Pussy Power that will guide you to rediscover your authentic self using the LOVE2Heal ethos - of Listen- Observe- Visualise-Empower.
Tapping into the energy of the Spring Equinox to align to your desires, your joy, your purpose, to have the curiosity to explore who you are underneath the social conditioning and belief systems we inherit, and to embody the courage to be you UNAPOLOGETICALLY!
This isn't about finding a new you it is is about remembering, embodying and revealing the true You - Your authenticity gifts, inner power and light.
Held at the beautiful venue Blossoms Wellness Centre in the wonderful location of Hills Farm Kilmington where you will feel instantly ready to relax breathe and unwind.
"SELF-CARE IS NOT A LUXURY IT IS ESSENTIAL" - Our minds and bodies are constantly on the go whether physically emotionally and mentally consciously and subconsciously through the pressures and stresses of life - we need to ensure our bodies have the opportunities to heal to carve space and time to allow the miracle of our body to do what it does best - find balance homeostasis and heal..
What is it about?
Intention Setting - Realising One’s Desires
Conscious Breathwork & Guided Somatic Movement Meditation
Channelled Visualisation Journey to activate healing and connection deeper to your heart boy and Soul
A gentle practice of self reflection and free style expression to return into your body
To close this deep healing practice - a nurturing Sound Bath by Sara-Louise to cleanse any remaining remnants on an energetic level and to soothe the nervous system to embody this deep harmony and peace within - your inner axis.
The Somatic Movement Meditation is first about getting into our bodies and out of minds where we become an observer of self and our thoughts whether they are positive or negative it allows us to enjoy being in our bodies with the permission to play explore and be curious of self in a safe and loving environment and space.
As adults we have forgotten how to play we fear failure and the unknown the meditation and visualisation journey is about expanding ourselves as we go deeper-
To connect to your inner power that is unconditional love through the gateway of your heart - it is there yet may have been covered up through emotional wounding and experiences subconscious patterning possibly from childhood that has had you believe you are not worthy of love in some way all of which is BS!
For true LOVE is unconditional no cords no expectations its simply there to be received and remembered it is what we are born with it is our sovereignty!
What- when - where?
The session begins at 16:00 so please allow time to arrive get parked and settled.
There are yoga mats available to use you may wish to bring your own
Bring a pillow and a blanket-socks to be comfortable and cosy for the meditation
Water Bottle
Journal and pen - should you wish to
an Open & Curious Mind
£44 - Tickets are limited to 11 - claim your place and space now.
That is how powerful this process is!
"I always come away from you feeling better"
"I slept for 9 hours - wow!"
"It was such a beautiful experience and I feel quite renewed and refreshed. I felt lovely and floaty afterwards and I've been happy all day with a lot more emotion time for my family - Thank you it was truly lovely x"
"God I needed that!"
"Gemma’s love2heal movement meditations are truly amazing. The space and energy that she creates in these sessions is something very special it really allows you to find that inner voice I would even say inner magic and there is a real sense of peace and love in the visualisations. It’s a tranquillity that I have not had before you can’t find it whilst you are busy with life a moment in time that feels incredibly special and leaves you thinking about when you can go again! Gemma is truly incredible at helping you connect properly with yourself" - signed “your Groupie..."
Thank you so much for the incredible session - I feel you connected me to something greater - felt surrounded and held by powerful women - perhaps channelled through you - Quite Amazing!
Claim Your Place Now
If this scares you, and makes your mind boggle as to what this is about..
Allow me to reassure you...
There's no pussy flashing and "weird" stuff... I promise!
It's about connecting to your deep inner power, truth and desires, and to feel safe to express them.
Your womb and yoni hold an integrity and truth that isn't swayed by the mind, the subconscious patterning from our personal experiences and our inherited patterns and trauma through the matriarchal lineage, that has endured suppression and abuse for millennia!
When we become misaligned to our truth, connection and passion, we dry up, we shrink and no longer believe we are worthy of what we desire, we may not even be consciously asking ourselves what we desire, for we have become so conditioned not to, hidden deep within.
Yet there will come a time when your body. Heart and Soul say NO, NO MORE.
No more playing the martyr, the victim, the Cinderella of simply here to serve at ones detriment.
Women - Menopause is one of those moments in life that shakes us and calls us back to ourselves.
To no longer drive oneself into the ground of the outdated masculine way of doing...that exhausts and burns us out.
Your Pussy, Your Yoni, Your Womb, Your Heart, Your Soul, Your Body is calling you to claim and embody your POWER, your SOVEREIGNTY, your Queen Energy.
Through Awareness, Conscious Breathwork, Somatic Movement Meditation and Visualisation- you become the pattern breaker and embody your power which is CHOICE.
The Autumn Pussy Power, feels it will be very grounding- connecting our bodies, our yoni and womb to Earth.
To clear old patterns, abuse, trauma and reunite with Mother Earth...
You will become the pattern breaker, to finally cut the cords of suppression and abuse- to embody your joy, your pleasure - your power-your sovereignty
For a moment BREATHE, place your left hand upon your womb space and your right upon your heart and BREATHE.
After a few breathes as you feel a connection between your hands, womb and heart space.
Ask -
What would serve ME JOY today?
Does the Ignite Your Inner Pussy Power session align to me?
Listen & Observe your initial response, do you feel anything within your body?
If your body tingles, you get a rush, taking in a deeper breath, if you smile or laugh, see these as beautiful signs of YES
If you after the initial positive response suddenly then get a wave of shock, panic. know that this is the fear and patterning that blocks you from your JOY. your WORTH, your POWER.
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
Dear Pussy - I speak for you when you fear you cannot! - an article of a channelled message
I Release the Rage - Guided Meditation and Visualisation Journey to release trauma along the feminine lineage and personal experiences
Our Kidneys hold our true essence, potential and karma