Becoming The Maker of Your Path - New Moon in Leo
Ok lovely pepes...
Every first Sunday of the month I host a live guided channelled meditation and visualisation journey in my group called The Pyjama Revolution.
These tap into the energies present at the time and the energies moving through us individually and collectively.
Depending on where people are on their journey, these will either be conscious patterning to heal and/or more subconscious and unconscious.
My work is always about channelling through our physical body, to keep us grounded to Earth and flowing the intense energies through our system with as much ease and grace. For we are vessels to Mother Earth to receive - we are conduits - the hollow bone!
So much at present and has been for the last 18 months, is all about the victim-martyr-perpetrator energy which has felt more Soul Karmic up until now, this is showing to be alchemised and healed, yet so is for the last 6 months, the energetic matrix field of the Earth, that is rising up through the stones and ley lines of the Earth and our actual bones and blood.
I have had "stones and bones" on repeat in my head - this is about the ancestral lineage and the Earth herself, that for thousands of years has been bled upon through acts of sacrilege, war and abuse, and the bones that have turned to dust have been compressed to stones and everything to our water, that we are 70% of!
The stones are the bones and DNA of the Earth herself - the masculine
It is time through our individual and collective healing to burn away the matrix of fear that has become so ingrained into our being, and in Earth too-
She has become polluted by humanity on so many levels and she now desires and will be free of this shite and suppression, she is exercising her muscles and the universal shift of collective rising vibration to finally be clear of this self-perpetuating cycle of fear-control-abuse!
She will do it with or without us - it will just be easier for us physically, emotionally and mentally if we ride her flow!!!
She is the rising force that happens underneath our wounded skin and scabs, all unseen under the skin.
Humanity's shadows have become the tight scab around the world, and the golden rivers of Persephone is likened to our white blood cells of our immune system, they are healing the depth and layers, energetically and of hollow Earth, rising up to bring new skin, a foundation.
As with any healing there is detoxification, heat, inflammation, waste and good old factor 8 that is the glue of repair to control mass haemorrhaging!
We individually are riding this healing for our greatest good, should we resist we create greater pressure that will release at the weakest point!
So my advice - is trust and surrender and deepen through the illusion of fear that feels so fuckin real!!!!
I'll take you on this journey for our greatest good - for you to set the intention of trust and discernment of the wisdom of your body, as we invoke the penetration and embodiment of the Devine Masculine.
For Earth - Persephone is already in the pureness of forgiveness and desires re-union with her Devine Masculine - for me which is held by Melchizedek and the Counsels of Light - it is for us to connect deep into our cellular and Earthly energetic levels to alchemise the rage, the abuse, the absolute horrors endured by the feminine, held in our wombs (Hara for Men), to enable this sacred reunion of the Feminine and Masculine.
For when we alchemise, purify and embody we allow this process of union to be with more ease and grace and we change the vibration of the collective. - we shake up and uproot this engrained patriarchal abusive control and hold.
So if you are feeling rebellious Dear Soul - come and join me on Sunday 4th August at 20:30 to use the energy of the New Moon in Leo and create some waves!!!
Physically this is about our skin, our gut health, especially large intestine, issues with blood complications, and bone deterioration including cancer to the extreme - dare I say it...amplified by the mRNA!
Its time to take charge of our epigenome and DNA expression - our subconscious and unconscious stories, and become the conscious maker of our path and desires!!!
BOOM - and there I was just thinking I was going to post the zoom link in with a date and time!!!
To say it will be a journey - i feel will be the understatement of the century !!!
Lots of love
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