Are you the Maker of Your Path?
Are you the Maker of Your Path ?
Some interesting constellation and events happening astrologically right now!
Lionsgate today- 888 - 8th of the 8th and 2024 = 8
14th August - Jupiter Mars Conjunction - Where planet Aldebaron is featuring close to the Jupiter Mars Conjunction - with Hyades nearby
Is Hyades planet actually Hades, the one to have taken Persephone? Which I connected to in Sardinia last year... the seed of the dead.
I have a strong connection to Aldebaron which feels very feminine power - fire - I recently realised i channel this planet- I felt her most strongly whilst in Sardinia during the full moon on 21st June the Summer Solstice and the full moon on 21st July.
She is the fire or alchemy empowered with love- she is not here to wage war, yet she is to bring light and fire to what is fear and veils of illusion.
In 12:12 and 21:12 this was showing me two parallel lines of choices. Love or Fear and where before they were and have been running alongside one another for eons, they are now separating. Earth, the Universe are no longer holding the paradigms of fear, they will fall away and into themselves- the Black Hole of Sagittarius was shown to me.
See THE RETURN TO INNOCENCE- online course/activation meditations
The CHOICE of love will rise up.
And this isn't love and fluffy love- this is fuckin power LOVE - do not underestimate a mothers love, the mother bear..
Therefore we are being called to align in Love, our thoughts, actions, intentions- our subconscious mind and unconscious body to cleanse release and align once again...
Our purity our Innocence- with our free will to choose to surrender our will to be the way of pure consciousness- of God-Devine-Light
To create a foundation to build upon... the square of the Pyramid. The foundation to Ascension
To become living breathing conscious consciousness.
Everything we are seeing that is fear, the shadows of masculine of outer-seen control and abuse, the shadows of the feminine that is inner control of Manipulation... are been called up to be seen- alcehemised.
It is easier to see the shadows of the masculine, not as easy of the feminine.
Conditional Kindness and Love
Isn’t Kindness and Love
Look within and out to see how you are and have been manipulated to be controlled. This may feel harder to do, as our ego will not wish to admit this.- be mindful of your own mind games too- this goes deep into the murky subconsciousness that has been programmed over thousands of years in exploitation of religion and even more so with increased exposure to papers, television, social media.
Upon AWARENESS we have the choice to break the pattern.
The alchemy of gold creates a flash of white light and powder, that is healing to our blood..pure LOVE heals.
The alchemy is within our hearts- our choice as to how we choose to feel and be and what we feed with our energy of thought and actions.
To decide what we desire to see to grow, how to feel and place our energy and intention into that, NOT what we don't want to see or feel.
And this begins with your thoughts, as thoughts that come up that are not of LOVE JOY or PEACE - do you choose to give them the fuel, the energy of your emotional attachment to them ?
Do you continue the cycle as you believe this to be your truth from ancestral programming and experiences, or do you create new pathways of thoughts and BEING?
Your Power is your Choice
Your SUPER POWER is your Conscious AWARENESS
What will it Be Dear Soul ?
The amplification of the light that is coming through this portal we need to be discerning of our free will- are you ready to surrender your ego and trust, let go of self identify and beliefs..?
The Courage and Curiosity to do just that?
The Lionsgate Gate is also in your mind, they protect the light that enters, the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that bathes the Pineal Gland and central nervous system (CNS)
When our CSF is tight and restricted it creates pain and tension on our CNS, there's a stagnancy that blocks the flow, the flow I see as pure consciousness, our life force that holds the sacred juice of life, from sacral bone to our cranium .
Our thoughts and actions hold the tension, the stagnancy.
Fear is stored heavily in our pelvis legs and sacrum...if we feel unsafe, unsupported. Our sacral acts as a paddle to the CSF, when we breathe...its our own wave machine.
If Blocked here in fear, shame and guilt, we are cutting ourselves off from the sacred nectar of joy - we lose our life-force, our zest and spirit for life.
How can you soften your mind and body, how can you induce more calm, trust and a surrendering of self?
To feel safe in your surrendering?
To feel safe, we must be truly connected and grounded in our body- to trust love and accept.
We cannot tell ourself we are safe- we have to FEEL safe and supported.
Trusting and thanking your body to discern what is pure and what is not, what is yours and what is not is the beginning of this journey of connection and being fully present in self and body.
The Infinity Health Hub - The LOVE2Heal online course and sessions - 1:1 Somatic Soul Embodiment Therapy - are all designed to support you to feel safe and connected in your body, to hold space for your spirit of life, love, joy and purpose to truly embody.
To support you to shift your shite - to truly feel love, joy, peace within..
To show you, how powerful you are, from your Conscious Choice, to break the patterns of fear, unworthiness, victim and martyr energy.
You become the maker of your path, through tapping into your subconscious mind and unconscious body that has been running the show. You set the co-ordinates of what you desire to feel, see and be.
Your Life Your Choice
Becoming the Maker of Your Path - article - introduction to the live guided meditation recorded on the New Moon in Leo
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
Return To Innocence- online course
Your Choice is Your Power - guided meditation
Our Kidneys hold our true essence, potential and karma