Healing through the cycle of the Moon
Wonderful healing can take place when we flow with the cycle of the moon, especially the Dark Moon!
The moon is represented within the sacral chakra, the chakra of water and emotion.
Our emotions are carried within our blood as it consists of 92% water. As blood passes through our central nervous system, our brain we can see how an overcharge of negative emotions held within the fascia of our organs can keep a pattern, a cycle of thoughts and beliefs that serve us no joy, influencing our moods of anxiety, depression and melancholy.
Connecting to our sacral, our reproductive organs, a sacred part of us where we often cut ourselves off from, a "darker" element of our bodies, because of social conditioning, old beliefs, experiences and trauma, hidden trauma unbeknown to our conscious mind, yet held deep within our cells they remember, thus becoming a storage heavily burdened by guilt, shame, disgust, deep survival fear, reflecting in perceptions of self-manifesting as self-rejection, unworthiness, closing the ability to receive love and kindness.
Physically this is represented within the hip and sacrum (lower back) and the organs within, such as weak bladder control due to the burdening of the water emotions we consciously or unconsciously retain, it also can manifest as lower back and hips pain and discomfort, menstrual issues, fibroids, lack of libido, fertility, addictive behaviour.
Please take comfort that darkness comes before the light... Trust the process and your body, trust your body will do what is to your highest good, listen and observe, create space to allow this transition of transformation, to connect to your deep desires and heart fulfilment
This dark moon, the cycle before the new moon, is about releasing old un-serving beliefs, patterns and emotions that block us from our rights to joy and happiness. It clears space on an energetic, spiritual, emotional and physical level, to enable more light love and joy to be received, creating a lighter, more loving and compassionate sense of self.
Trust the process and your body, be mindful that emotions and experiences may happen to trigger our awareness of these un-serving emotions, create space and stillness so the body isn't overwhelmed and you are able to allow the process of self-reflection and release.
I'm seeing a pattern in myself and in my clinics at present, drawn to the connection of the sacral and crown, which incorporates mainly our mind, central nervous system, cerebrum spinal fluid, our Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal axis (HPA), that is the messenger of the body through the neuroendocrine system... in other words, the processing and releasing of our deep beliefs and emotions to final kick-@rse...to claim our power and light, our sovereignty of joy...
If this resonates with you, you may wish to consider:
Listening to the Pyjama Revolution Meditations
Reading articles by Lisa Melbourne to learn deeper about the cycles of the moon, Moonology
Reach out to a qualified Bodywork Therapist who will support you through this transition and transformation, such as, yet not certainly limited to, Myofascial Release, Cranial Sacral, Hypnotherapy
Purchase the LOVE2Heal course to support and deepen your connection with your body, to understand the messages your body is trying to communicate with you.
Create a self-care routine for everyday that is achievable- time for you to process, the action of non-action- of stillness
Lots of love... be rest assured we are all going through this transformation...you are not alone
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