Navigating and Healing through Taurus and Chiron "the wounded healer"


A discussion with Rachel Maria Bell a fabulous Astrologist with a huge amount of spiritual wisdom and intuition helps us understand what may be showing up for you right now, if you were born within the period 1976-1984.

If so, you may well find that Chiron the "wounded healer" is in Taurus on your birth chart.

So what does this mean?

You will be currently going through a healing journey of seeing your values, belief systems and patterns coming to the surface, the good, the bad and the ugly!

As it is Taurus it will be about money, valued possessions and judgements! Rachel and I discuss these layers of self worth, how this may show up in your body now and how to navigate through to be a fully more empowered version of self, living life more fully in joy and purpose. 

We talked about the uprooting or wrecking ball to all that no longer serves us as an individual, the collective and society as a whole.

We also touched upon menopause and peri menopause as the woman's spiritual awakening.

I absolutely loved chatting with Rachel, she has so much to share and her perspective is another way of navigating our healing journey called life.

The link to get your birth chart as mentioned is

To get an in-depth soul reading to understand your soul purpose and heart-mind-north navigation , contact Rachel, her details are in the author section of the Hub

Gemma Norris

As a Remedial Bodywork Therapist, for me to be able to help my clients to find health and wellbeing mind and body, I firstly need to understand WHY they are in pain, what the primary cause is and follow the trail and pattern of restrictions within their body.

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Freeing From Self-Sabotage to Finding Joy Within