Freeing From Self-Sabotage to Finding Joy Within
“I Choose Love -I Choose Joy – I Choose Peace”
“I Am Worthy of Love – I Am Worthy of Joy – I Am Worthy of Peace”
“I Am Love – I Am Joy – I Am Peace”
Self-hate, self-sabotage, the deep plunging and depths it can suck you into, the despair and often the wish to no longer exist and to finally be free, to return home lighter in soul away from the pain. Where even the most joyful experiences are blocked and rejected, not allowing oneself to truly receive, to know in mind that one is worthy to receive such joy, yet not feeling or believing within the cellular makeup of self.
With the energetic laws of energy attracts energy, to truly receive the external stimuli, the experience of joy and contentment one has to resonate and be this frequency within first. The constant need for external experiences to fill the emptiness within, is a mirage an illusion, a fruitless task leading to exhaustion, through the fear of missing out, a constant need to be busy, creating frustration, the guilt trip narrative, what is wrong with me, why can’t I just be happy, I should be so grateful, I have everything I should possibly want, need or hope for, often overburdening oneself
with jobs and to-do lists!
You have a choice to change this negative cycle, reach out and affirm sending an SOS that “I Choose Love, I Choose Joy, I Choose Peace”, to somehow airlift out of this dark vortex, surrendering in hope and trust that there is light, an alternative existence.
Take moments of stillness, focus and open you solar plexus setting the intention to be free of what no longer serves you, to be free from fear and to be free to be YOU. The universe delivers a play of life to observe, to see it, to feel it deep within, like a shaking of the deep murky depths upon which one has grown from and become accustomed to. To finally recognise that these low vibrational emotions and thoughts are not actually your truth nor reality, they are simply a perception, a belief, a pattern that genetically one has embodied as our own. Our real truth is love, unconditional love and joy, for fear and all that attaches to is an illusion, the primitive mind keeping you “safe” in the shadows, the cave of your heart, yet hidden from the warmth and nourishment of the sunlight.
For us to learn we have to feel it, it isn’t something that can just be read or acknowledged mentally, the learning is physical, emotional, spiritual, without the feeling, the embodiment of the pain, the discomfort we have no connection, we remain in our minds to override our heart, repeating the pattern of dulling the sense of feeling to our core, upon which we sever our ability to receive.
This inner visceral and energetic re-connection, finalises and earths the circuit, the live wire finally is able to rest and feel held. This circuit dives deep to the vibrations of shame, guilt, anger, hurt pain, rejection and fear – all have been left ashore, stored within our cells, kept in the shadows for they are too painful to constantly relive and remember. Yet they have formed a heavy unconscious burden that has been carried through one’s life time unbeknown to self, driving ones thoughts and actions.
With this earthed, physical and emotional connection a neural pathway is formed mind-heart-body, to enable the mind to acknowledge and accept, creating space and an outlet to allow one to release these heavy emotional burdens, patterns and belief cycles. To finally recognise that they are not our truth, that we have the power and choice to shift and to transform to a higher vibrational state of mind and body with an open heartfelt presence, to experience a lighter and joyful life with ease and grace, flowing naturally in abundance, as we naturally resonate in a higher state of being.
When you find life and experiences bringing up moments that are not of love and joy, that trigger a darker element of self, a guilt based self-sabotage, know that this is not your truth, it may feel real and we can easily be swept down and away with, however, take heart, that this is a process to reconnect you to your heavier aspects of self to finally acknowledge and to release and be free from. For our purpose here on Earth is to be happy!
Create moments of stillness to allow yourself to breathe fully, to expand and exhale, a sacred space of great action in the non-action. The stillness and reassurance of one’s breath like the waves, one comes after the other, offers a safe space to observe yourself objectively and to choose to be free of all that no longer serves joy or purpose.
Holding an objective awareness of your emotions enables them to pass like the clouds in the sky, an acknowledgement, yet with no attachment. To know you always have a choice, even when you can’t always see it, you can set the intention, surrender and trust the process to allow it to manifest to your highest good.
Recommended Self Care
Affirmations are a wonderful way to raise your vibration and you can repeat these as many times as you feel the need to, like a mantra if needs be to break free from all other negative thought
“I Choose Love - I Choose Joy – I Choose Peace”
“I Am Worthy of Love – I Am Worthy of Joy – I Am Worthy of Peace”
“I Am Love – I Am Joy – I Am Peace”
To continue this healing journey, establish external support to help you transition through this, this may be with friends and family to express how you feel, often acknowledging is the first step, to no longer hide, without shame. Seeking professional support is also recommended as it holds a safe non-judgemental space with healthy boundaries for you to explore and express your truth and deep feelings. Therapies that incorporate the mind body connection such as, yet not limited to are Myofascial Release, Cranial Sacral, Hypnotherapy, Trauma Release Therapy, EFT Tapping and Guided
You may have done much work on this already, however seem unable to shift these thought patterns, or see experiences repeating themselves, which is amazing self-awareness. There may be the possibility that you are carrying deeper ancestral and soul lineage wounds that need healing once and for all, as the cycle of energetic wounds and emotions form part of our energetic DNA.
To support and progress your healing journey you may wish to explore the spiritual, energetic and soul path, to open up to another level and layer.
Self Sabotage to Joy - article audio
Navigating Through The Storms of Life - audio version
Setting Pure & Clear Intentions - Aligning to Love-Joy-Peace - guided meditation and visualisation journey
LOVE2Heal - online course is designed to enable you to hold a deeper awareness of self and the ability to create from a greater level of consciousness, that grows a life of LOVE-JOY-PEACE, a deeper connection to self with love, compassion and trust.
“A must have for self-empowerment and creating a life you desire”
Mental Wellness- How Our Bodies are Seeking Reconnection - article