Soul Amnesia Breaking Free and Remembering Your Conscious Light

Recorded during the energies of Imbolc, this talk, guided meditation and visualisation journey is here to ignite your inner flame, spirit, soul and light, embodied as one.

Connecting to the energies of the Earth, Goddess Isis and Yeshua, this pure light enters the sacral chakra in its innocence and purity, for you to trust, open and soften into.

This energy merges the divine masculine and feminine energies of the Earth into the reproductive organs, travelling up, opening and balancing each chakra centre through the Sushumna channel. This channel I see embodies the central nervous system, the cerebrospinal fluid, from the sacral to the crown chakra, as a cylinder of light.

The masculine and feminine energies entwine creating an integrity for this pure light and energy to flow, to unblock any restrictions up to the third eye, the pineal gland. Through this supported process of breathwork and visualisation, the energy is encouraged and moved upwards to connect to our Soul, our Higher Self, our Monad and to pure consciousness itself, that is within and around us.

For us to then soften, trust and allow the intelligence and wisdom of pure consciousness to follow its natural path and flow within us.

Throughout the meditation I saw the Kundalini image, where Divine Feminine and Masculine become one, a sacred reunion and balance. I channel the light language, which feels like Goddess Isis herself, to open up your heart and ignite the dormant keys that are within you, to be awakened in alignment to your Soul path, in true Divine Timing, and with ease and grace.

Like a snake that sheds its skin when it has outgrown itself, it surrenders and lets go, to enable it to continue it's growth and expansion - you are the same - it is time to surrender and release old un-serving patterns, the masks to our light, and shred our layers and skin, to reveal our true selves and light. It is the Year of Snake !!!




Introduction and Talk - 0-12 minutes

Guided Meditation and Visualisation Journey: 12-47 minutes

Talk and Guided Meditation - audio

Talk and Guided Meditation - video

Introduction Transcript (edited)-

Welcome, lovely souls. Hope you're doing well. This is the pyjama revolution, and this is where I connect in to the available energies and ultimate how we can process it, to find our deep inner peace, our joy, our alignment of what we're really here for, our connection to our soul, our spirit, and always doing this through our body.

So I am a somatic healer - I have traveled through different modalities to where I am now, and it's understanding the body, which I have huge respect for - from something that I've rejected all my life pretty much, through either bulimia or self sabotage, and never thinking the body is good enough.

I recognise, was a form of trauma, and also continued patterns of society where women have always thought that their worth came to what they look like, and their bodies, and a very unconscious patterning of suppression.

I now see the body in the miracle that it is, with a curiosity as to how amazing we all are, and that we are miracles in ourselves and for us to be here.

There's about over 500,000 ovum to millions of sperm to arrive at the right time, and the ovum actually chooses what sperm to connect with, so that release of that one egg, and the right sperm, at that right time, is a miracle!

These meditations and visualisation journeys, are all about bringing you into your body, bringing you to this innate wisdom that we have, that we've been gifted.

We had put so much precedence on our heads and our thoughts, and we have forgotten of the intelligence of our hearts, which holds equally, neurons, nerves, and has the capacity of 5,000 times the frequency of our mind. We have 100-600 million neurons in our gut, even kidneys now are being seen that they have an essence of non-brain cells within them!

We have an intelligence running throughout our body. How each cell knows what the other one is up to to when we're growing as an embryo - as life forms

When we become ill, when we've become diseased, it's because we have separated from this wisdom, that is, ourselves, our bodies, the communication of the body. We lose coherence. Heart rate variability, represents our level of health as heart and mind come into balance.

I see when the body comes into balance, is when it comes into a natural coherence with the mind, the mind quietening, rather than the leader, it becomes the curious observer. We shift, we shift intelligence in creativity, and our body begins, to heal.

We are going through a healing process of learning, the unlearning, of what we have carried through our bloodline through our DNA. So much patterning and conditioning that restricts us, that blocks us from being our true full potential which I call our USP, our Unique Soul Purpose. It's what are we really here for! Which isn’t to get stressed, work hard and die. We are here for something far greater than that, and we are shifting through the survival patterns, now!

Survival is being really triggered right now, humanity is being triggered through oppression, suppression, war, hate, separation. We are seeing it on center stage of Earth. What the deepest, darkest parts of what humanity can be, and we are being offered the choice, as we always have free will.

We have been given the choice of free will with the potential of greater consciousness, to be able to see things much more clearly, to really recognise what no longer serves us individually, and as a collective of individuals.

Ultimately this is about coming back to yourself, back to your soul sovereignty, who you are, to understand when you're giving your power away, when you're unconsciously and subconsciously doing this, because we're in this mix of a victim perpetrator, martyr energy.

We look at what is happening in the world, and so many poor decisions that are being made., we may hold a belief pattern

that governance has that power over us, and we can't do anything about it, it is the helpless, hopeless victim energy, whereas we can, we can change as a collective.

That power is only there when we give it away, and cannot exist when we consciously claim it back- It can't feed off us!

When we worry, stress and believe the stories, with our emotions, which are energy in motion, we give what we do not wish to exist, the energy for it to exist!

Our emotions are sovereignty!

With thoughts - ask; Is this an alignment to me? Is this serving me to my highest potential and my highest and greatest good?

We can break that pattern and become more conscious of our choices, understanding whether we align with love or with fear, which we may have to ask ourselves several questions to get to the actual driving force behind that.

The only way I can really share with you is that you will know when it's in your heart. If it's right. Because the mind will play ping-pong with you.

You have to drop into your body, you have to drop into these innate wisdom parts of self, that will give us that true guidance and that true alignment.

To shift from the fear ingrained cycles that we have, and drop more into our position of power and inner knowing. Then we become more conscious, and we start directing our energy where we want it to be.

From a health perspective, when our heads are all over the place, when we're running on subconscious belief patterns that we're not worthy, that we're not good enough, that we fear rejection and judgment, we are not really living to our true selves.

We're doing something because we're trying to protect ourselves in some way, similar and simplified to leaving your car lights on and the battery goes flat!

We have to be really discerning of where we're losing our energy, seal it off from where it's not serving you. You can be aware of things, but you don't give yourself the emotional attachment to it! Because yet again, quantum physics says that a photon can only exist when it's observed.

So can we start calling back this power through where we put our attention and our awareness, and not focusing on what we don't want, but focusing on what we do want. So when we see hate out in the world, we bring more love, we bring more compassion, we become the alchemist, we become the conscious maker of our path.

This meditation, which I always leave open to see what comes through. I never put any expectation on it, because I like to keep it as open as possible in terms of the energies coming through, to utilise and heal

The keys cards for this meditation have been intuitively chosen, they are about light and the labyrinth. The labyrinth for me is about the mind, the way in is the sames as the way out. It's used for spiritual practice to take ourselves from the outside world and to come within, to listen deeper, which makes sense to what I've just been talking about really in terms of let's get detached from the white noise!

What demands our attention to actually to be fed to keep it alive, and what we start calling back, what we don't want to be seen. We're drawing back our power, drawing back our sovereignty, and we're leaving. We're actually killing off what no longer serves at the same time, so we are much more powerful than we've ever been told.

We are going through a huge breaking free of soul amnesia. I've seen it! I've seen people-their souls in an enclosed glass dome, screaming and shouting to come out. The souls are caught up and can't get out, I could see that they were screaming, but you couldn’t hear it. What needs to be done to break it, is such a high pitched sound that we don't even hear, however it breaks that glass, and to me this feels like a sense of deep authenticity, a place that comes from a highest vibration, of choice of what we can be.

So let's just see where we go.


A Sound Gong Meditation and Reflection - recorded during the Winter Solstice Slumber of deep healing

This channelled guided meditation with my sound gong and healing codes, is with the intention to align and awaken us. To clear and detox the film of the mind, the calcification of the Pineal Gland. To return and align within to the Fibonacci Sequence- the code of all life.

24 minutes total - meditation beings from 6 minutes onwards

VOICE Podcast - Our Body and Spirit as One with Ann Redfearn - Ann and I discuss the kidneys, however, this uncannily mirrors the essence of this guided meditation.

LOVE2Heal - online course

Return To Innocence - Soul Repatriation - Closing Down Paradigms of Fear

Gemma Norris

As a Remedial Bodywork Therapist, for me to be able to help my clients to find health and wellbeing mind and body, I firstly need to understand WHY they are in pain, what the primary cause is and follow the trail and pattern of restrictions within their body.

Diving Deep into Your Light-Roots-Connection & Authentic Self