Diving Deep into Your Light-Roots-Connection & Authentic Self

What does Lucifer and a Jellyfish have in common?

Recorded live for the full moon in Cancer, on 12th January 2025, with Planets Mars and Neptune influencing.

This was a most interesting channelled guided meditation and visualisation journey, as it took us down deep into the cells of our body, the intracellular fluid and the cerebrospinal fluid.

No surprise as Cancer is a water sign, alongside the Moon's influence on the water - us being circa 70% water and CSF 99%.

The revelations to me afterwards were fascinating - as I looked up how a jellyfish emits light, and it has to do with a chemical reaction between Luciferin and Luciferase.

The Latin for for Luciferin, means Lucifer, which means Light Bearer!

However, religion has cast Lucifer as the negative, the Devil! Humanity then has suppressed, denied and separated from in fear and shame, the wish to not be associated with. Yet Lucifer was the light bearer from within the shadows, "He" brought light to the shadows to be seen - Lucifer was actually casting light on our shadows that we have individually and collectively! Lucifer is Light!

Which actually answers my query, as to how do we keep focus on light when we see the shadows of self, others and society around and within us?

How do we keep our energy and frequency to what we desire, when triggered - what action or non-action do we need to take?

For me this meditation showed me, that we need to continue to be the light - to tune into the web of connection that is frequency - that is the Earth's Magnetic Field - the Schumann Resonance 7.3hz. Which is what we do when practicing Reiki, we ultimately are reconnecting and rebalancing with this frequency to realign to health once again!

I feel this meditation is a revelation to self - to recognise our deep rooted connection of how water has given birth to us, and from the jellyfish innate wisdom forms our brain and central nervous system - that carries light - a chemical reaction within, a bioluminescence.

To activate this bioluminescence through the pineal gland, to our blood and CSF and plasma - which then activates within the mitochondria within all circa 70 trillion cells within our bodies.

I talk about how our emotions are a trigger for a chemical reaction - our endocrine system, the intelligent communication system of our body, without we do not function, nor function well if imbalanced.

Thus, our power is the choice of emotions we decide to feel, be and act upon.

As every cell of our bodies, hold the DNA code of every other single cell, it can be whatever it decides to be - somehow there is an innate wisdom that has the cells to create a foot, an eyeball with no hairs, a tongue with no bone etc.

Again it comes down to the expression of that exact cell, the epigenome expression of the DNA within it, determines what it becomes! There is an innate wisdom and coherence that has each cell expressing to what it needs to express as.

So does cancer, tumours disease, come down to how the cell "chooses" to express it self, and is this directly and/or indirectly linked to our emotional state of being - our choice of emotions - as well as our unconscious emotions held within our blood and inherited epigenetics?

Maybe then- we have the potential to be everything! We have the full DNA sweep of intelligence, potential, light and dark, positive and negative. We have it all within, it simply comes down to how we consciously choose to express ourselves., in coherence.

Holly Macaroni - and you know what is the most powerful frequency we can emanate at, its actually AUTHENTICITY, that comes from a place of love.

An expression of our deep truth from our heart, our core, our being.

That will be the frequency of change, of revelation and revolution!!

More I am sure will come...

In the meantime, enjoy

Breath - Trust and Surrender into the innate magick and wisdom that you are!!!

Love You



Introduction and Talk - 0- 17 minutes

Guided Mediation and Visualisation Journey - 17- 52 mins (35 minutes)

Audio Version - Introduction Talk and Guided Meditation - 52 minutes

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Video Version - Introduction Talk and Guided Meditation - 52 minutes


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