Healing the Physical, Emotional, Mental, Energetic and Spiritual Bodies as a Whole
Our bodies are healthy when in homeostasis and balance working coherently as a beautiful symphony all playing to the same rhythm flowing and weaving in tone and depth.
The spine of our health is our autonomic nervous system, our subconscious mind, which to function needs to be in the space of calm and rest, a state of non-attachment and objectivity of emotions. Yet due to our busy schedules, the social conditioning of filling this space with over-whelm and over-activity, causes dis-coherence and restricts this natural healing function of our mind and body, our energy is scattered and the body is unable to communicate effectively on a cellular level.
Our physical body is intrinsically linked and influenced by our emotions through the neuroendocrine system, our emotions are energy in motion and our energetic body is expressed by our frequencies of thought, be they the highest of love, joy and peace or low of shame, guilt and fear. We become a beacon, transmitter and receiver of our thoughts creating the physical world upon which we experience.
Our energetic body is also influenced by our ancestral lineage, the energy of emotions are conducted through our generations as our DNA, as energy can never be destroyed only reformed. The cells energetic frequency that creates us physically carries the emotions of our ancestors going back to when it all began, becoming a tapestry of human existence on Earth, we are in essence all that is!
It is recognised that we inherit our physical representation, from our parents and ancestors and would not exist without. Yet we can change our DNA expression on a cellular level through our emotional and energetic states, which again is a choice upon awareness, recognising in the physical body and honouring this inner power to shift and transform. We can choose to heal the patterns; the inherited wounds physically, emotionally and energetically, reforming the energetic web that interlaces through these layers of presence, form and density.
We then come to the most mystical part of ourselves, our soul, our higher self, that inner itch and calling that seeks purpose and fulfilment to the ultimate utopia of inner peace and contentment, without such we would simply be in a state of existence and survival. Naturally raising the question of the purpose of our existence, why we are here? If we are not needed for the continuation of the planet we call home, surely there must be a greater reason than working hard, being stressed and die?
For me our soul is our inner light, the life force within our cells that feeds and energises our mitochondria, the power houses in our cells, where the synergy of life begins from these intelligent bacteria. This fracture of light embodied by the physical structure creates a space and form giving us our physical presence, a relationship where neither would exist in its current form without one another; it is the coexistence paradox of the feminine and masculine energy in perfect balance.
It is through the mitochondria that each cell communicates with one another holding a representation of every cell in one cell, as life as we know it forms from one fertilised cell, multiplying over and over. The control centre of the mitochondria is via the pineal gland deep within the epithalamus, the bridge of both hemispheres of the mind, the processor, transmitter and receiver in one, also known as our third eye, our higher perception, the paradox of duality as one.
Through our physical layers from the superficial which we see with our bare eyes, the emotional senses and inner knowing, the energetic connection and frequency of our hearts and gut, grounded within the cellular level, from the micro to the macro perspective, we begin to recognise that we are all a point of singularity, a prism dispersion of light from the heart of source.
we are all a point of singularity, a prism dispersion of light from the heart of source
Our awareness expands to see we are all part of the something that is a part of us, interconnected by an invisible web of light, an energetic ocean and universal field which we can influence through our choices and actions which equally influences our world, raising the importance of healthy boundaries, the choices of what we allow in and what we release.
To know that we can master our experiences through awareness and choices is of great empowerment. We can choose to swim in the murky depths of negative emotions, patterns and beliefs or to break free to experience greater joy, purpose and contentment in our lives. We can create more peace in the world through our own inner peace, if we seek it, we need to be it!
As energy is infinite varying in forms and frequency, it raises the curiosity of how many forms has this refraction of light existed in physical form, a miraculous connectedness and covalent bonds of energy dispersed into a physical earthed presence, the lifeline fusions of spirit and souls.
Our earthly presence, our spirit formed through the foundations of earth, our soil, water, and the solar energy merging creating the element of air, represented as the heart chakra, the synergy and home for both spirit and soul, the yin and yang, the sky and earth.
Therefore to heal, we must seek a holistic approach to come to a state of wholeness and oneness, a state of coherence of the spiritual, energetic, mental, emotional and physical, returning to our infinite wisdom and self. To call upon the return and fusion of the fragments of light we may have left within the universal field through our lifetimes in our many forms of existence and spirit.
To reclaim our ancient soul wisdom, gifts and experiences that has created our depth and spectrum, to understand and honour the shadows of learning that is part of us, yet consciously choose a higher course and pathway, of love, joy and peace, free from fear.
To heal our hidden inherited ancestral lineage of patterns, beliefs, emotions and wounds by drawing a line in the sand in this generation, to create the shift and transformation that our humanity so deeply craves.
With awareness and conscious choices we support the physical healing of our miraculous bodies, by holding a mindful presence, seeking an objectivity of self, understanding our stressors and triggers, our fears and old beliefs and patterns in this lifetime.
Through awareness we shine light on of our shadows, our aspects that require our conscious healing through self-love and acceptance, our choices of lifestyle, our food, our environment and our interactions and relationship with self and others.
Releasing our heavy and restrictive emotions that lower our frequency and hold a denser vibration, to weave a helix of love, light and joy in to the fabric of our mind and body, creating an ascended space for our cells and body to breathe and absorb, becoming a vessel, a grounded axis of strength welcoming the fragments of light within the sovereignty of our body, our return to wholeness.
Healing is a journey that I believe is infinite, so it is not something to be rushed through to get to the end, as there isn’t one, however the process can be chosen to be of more ease and grace, to behold a greater understanding and awareness of self, enabling our progression to be of more comfort, to shift our old un-serving patterns and beliefs that are layered into our fabric of being to gently unpeel and fall away, revealing a lighter and brighter state of being, filled with love, joy and peace.
There are no right or wrong turns, it’s not about getting it right or failure, it’s more of a journey of trust in self and surrendering to the power that flows through and around us, with heart based curiosity as our compass and courage, self-love and acceptance as our sails and to be in wonder of our greatest potential.
A Journey of Trust and Expansion
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