11:11 Portal Activation- Inner Alignment & Closing Old Paradigms

Recorded on 11th of the 11th.

This channelled guided meditation and visualisation journey, supports you to find your inner axis and alignment.

To navigate through the unknown and overwhelm to bring greater clarity of thought, with a higher perspective, embodying greater discernment of what thoughts and actions align to your greatest good.

To awaken the seed of life and return to one's natural blueprint, from closing down old paradigms of thoughts, beliefs and patterns, from one's lifetime, Soul lifetime and ancestral lineage.

To initiate the ultimate closing down of the fear matrix and what supports its existence, that is within us.

To release excess heat and friction, which I felt in my stomach during this. If you do too, keep practicing relaxed belly breaths, and allow your heart to open and release.

An initiation of Ascension Embodiment - diamond light, which for me felt like a meeting of Lemurian timelines, that were of peace and harmony.

Introduction Transcription-

The ethos of this is to feel a state of grace and calm within us. I'm feeling at the moment there is a push and pull of energy going on, and this can have us running around in circles and losing our energy, losing balance and really not aligning to what we desire nor what serves us. Often when we're overwhelmed, when we're stressed, we are just running on old patterns in our subconscious, which is controlling 98% of our life.

So until we break and create stillness, we continue these old pathways, and for me this is a constant push of doing to the point of exhaustion. Even though I know I need to stop, I push through, and that is just exhausting and is no longer serving. When we do this we can't see the bigger picture.

We are going energetically through huge transitioning and we need to have our inner council, our connection, our grounded, our axis, that even amongst the storm. I feel things will get stormier, which I share not to bring in fear, purely to know that things have to come up. Things have to be unearthed to see the shadows for what they are, whether they're for us, individually and collectively on the centre stage.

We need to be able to override that fear-based part of us that isn't necessarily real. If it's fear in the present for our survival at that point. then that's relevant. But when it's fear and anxiety of the future, this isn't actually real! So we need to be able to find our inner peace and calm amongst the storm, as this is leading up to.

We're on the 11th of the 11th and this energetically is opening and coming to us to close down old paradigms. Basically of fear and everything that is based on fear and separation, that we have become so entwined with that it feels like the truth.

Our real truth is joy and connection, and where we have seen so much division in the world, we can move through this. However, we need to find that within us first, before we can do anything out in the world. For us to change the world, we change within first.

Okay, so let's see where we go. The intention is to find one's inner peace.

Whether this is also closing down those paradigms of fear, of thoughts. Being conscious and to know that we're getting more and more powerful through our thoughts, we need to really check in to see if they are of fear or of love.

Let's take some breaths.


Full talk and channelled guided mediation - 43 minutes.

Introduction and Intention - 0-4 minutes

Guided Meditation and Visualisation Journey - 4-43 minutes


Transformation of Death and Rebirth - Guided Meditation

Return to Innocence Course- 12:12 and 21:12 Portal Guided Meditations and Visualisation Journey - Soul Repatriation

Gemma Norris

As a Remedial Bodywork Therapist, for me to be able to help my clients to find health and wellbeing mind and body, I firstly need to understand WHY they are in pain, what the primary cause is and follow the trail and pattern of restrictions within their body.


Navigating Change with Ease, Grace & Composure


Transformation of Death and Rebirth